Behind the Scenes

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by lovesickjily

"I love you."

The words slipped out of his mouth easily, quickly, as if they were syrup falling atop a pile of complete and utter sweetness.

She was fairly apt to hearing the utterance of such words, so much to the point that such lines seemed to lose the luster associated with the endearing term.

Now though, there was no need to think about anything but love. She was in love, right now, at this very moment, so in love that she couldn't will herself to think about anything but the man sitting to the left of her, the words out in the open air, hanging over them like a thin sheet. They were in the back of a car, illuminated by nothing but the moonlight drifting in from the windows and the streetlights that rolled by, and from her position, she could make out the glows that brought out the hazel in his eyes, swirling with so many colours that she couldn't even pinpoint one shade that she liked best.

They'd gone through so much together, had been marked by horrendous experiences that they could only learn to forget in the presence of one another, and after all that they had been through, they'd finally gotten time by themselves, secluded from the rest of the world without so much as a fear of unwarranted interruptions. The car would keep driving, and there would be nothing that disrupted their time together. From her closeness to him, she could make out the scar painting the side of his cheek, which had come from the torture that he'd endured in an effort from the enemy team to get answers out of him. He was propped up against his seat now, one long leg resting on the seat beside him, though not stretching far enough to reach her.


It wasn't as if it was anything new that she didn't know.

In the back of her mind, it was something that she'd always acknowledged.

Of course she knew that he was in love with her. She'd heard him calling out for him, a sound so heartbreakingly tragic, when she finally found her way right back to him, but as much as she wanted to forget the sight of him in so much pain, she knew that she could never, not when that scar was a physical reminder of all that he'd been through.

The pain that he'd gone through was more than enough to push those words out of his lips, and so she turned towards him, unclicking her seatbelt as she slid towards him. "Confessing after nearly dying of not giving out personal information?"

Rather than smiling, he gave her a look of slight derision, before turning towards the window. He scoffed. "Forget it. Nevermind, then."

Her hand flew up to his chin, forcing him to meet her eyes, and she made out his uncertainty despite having said the words with an air of confidence, as if he was unsure of whether or not she reciprocated his feelings. She smiled softly at him. "I'm not forgetting anything. I already knew."

The corner of his lip jutted outwards, though not by enough to break the harshness on his face. "Was it really that bloody obvious?"

She knew how painfully obvious it was. He'd left her far more lingering looks than a person could ever have, had always put her safety above his own, and although it was far more reckless on his part than romantic, the gestures went too far for her to not notice. The love that he felt for her was so strong that it practically radiated off of him, bounced off every surface of the walls, until it hit her.

She loved him as well. How could she not? To share experiences with someone that you didn't share with anyone else made that person special, and it left an everlasting mark on her heart. She let every instance of her love for him take a physical manifestation on her face so that all she could showcase towards him was her adoration, and she brought herself closer so that she was flushed against him.

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