lost and found

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by we're-all-just-stories on fanfiction.net

In truth, Lily was not nervous about her school reunion.

She still kept in contact with a couple of her friends (Marlene and Dorcas - who coincidentally were now a couple themselves) and she was planning to meet them outside the venue anyway so she wasn't worried about having nobody to talk to this evening.

She was a little bit annoyed that bloody Narcissa Black (now Malfoy if Lily had heard the gossip correctly) had decided to schedule said reunion on Christmas Eve because there were slightly better things that Lily could think of doing the night before Christmas (if she was being honest, she had been going to wash her hair and watch The Polar Express for the fifty-seventh time but nobody else needed to know that) but never mind. This was her three year secondary school reunion and it would be good to see everyone.

Well, almost everyone.


Climbing from the taxi and paying the driver, Lily spotted the familiar bounce of Marlene's brown curls and rushed to catch up with her friend.


"Lily!" Marlene echoed back, a teasing smile on her lips as she pulled her best friend in for a hug. "It's been ages!"

"Two whole days," Lily laughed, squeezing Marlene's shoulders as she drew back. "You've been practising."

"Does it sound convincing enough?" Marlene asked as she leant against the brick wall. "Oh, I've missed you too! We should see each other more!"

"Absolutely," Lily said, grinning. "But come on, Marley, you must be a little excited?"

"To see everyone or to catch up on gossip?" Marlene asked, pulling a pocket mirror out of her bag and checking her reflection. "Because the only reason I'm here tonight is to see if Emmy's been knocked up yet and if Frank's finally asked Alice to marry him."

"They went on holiday last week," Lily said, shrugging. "Maybe he popped the question then. Did you not check her Instagram?"

"Funnily enough, no." Marlene snapped her mirror shut. "I'm not a stalker like some people." She sent a meaningful glance Lily's way and then crushed her best friend in another hug. "Love you."

"I love you too," Lily said, patting Marlene's arm. "Enough though you're horrible to me."

"Am not!" Marlene said, aghast, and linked her arm through Lily's. "Come on, Lils. Let's go find Narcissa and I'll show you what me actually being horrible sounds like."


"Are you sure this is the right address?" Lily said, scanning over the envelope one final time.

The two girls looked up at the towering building.

"Yep. That's what it says. Trust Narcissa to send card invitations. Why couldn't she have just done it on Facebook like everyone else?"

"You don't have Facebook, Marley," Lily laughed.

"Exactly," Marlene replied. "Then I wouldn't have been invited and I wouldn't have to spend my Christmas Eve with that lot."

"You sound so disgusted. Cheer up a bit. Where's Dorcas meeting us?"

"Here, I guess." Marlene gestured to the pavement they were standing on. "She dropped by to see her sister first who I declined visiting on account of her sister's patronising and condescending remarks." Marlene sniffed. "Oh, Dory, I think it's so wonderful that people like you can finally express their feelings. Now, you two don't need to be shy, I have no qualms about you kissing in front of me."

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