Stop Flirting with the Talent (smut)

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by elanev91

"We got Evans?! Lily fucking Evans?!"

James was jumping up and down on the spot in Remus' office, his hair bouncing on top of his head, his hands trembling with excitement. He'd wanted to get Evans on the programme since Not I premiered at the Royal Court two weeks ago, but she hadn't been ready to give interviews, and the more and more press the performance got, the more nervous James became. He wanted to get this interview, he wanted to meet this brilliant fucking performer, he'd wanted to get it first, but then realised he'd probably just have to settle for being put into the rotation at all, but then Remus. Bloody fucking Remus came through as he always did and James wanted to squeeze him to death he was so happy.

Remus just stared at James, his eyebrows raised in amusement, kicked his feet up onto his desk, "Whenever you're ready to relax, I'm ready to give you details."

James stopped jumping, but his hands were still shaking. He clasped them together behind his back to keep Remus from noticing (Remus had anyway). He took a deep breath, "Alright, details, please."

His voice was still trembling a bit, but Remus took pity on him (poor excited bastard). He sighed, picked a folder up off his desk and handed it to James, "Her agent, Marlene McKinnon - "

"McKinnon is her agent? Damn, I'm surprised we ever - " Remus raised a stern eyebrow and James fell silent again. Remus cleared his throat, "Anyway, McKinnon felt that it was time that Evans start making the rounds. She'd wanted her to do it before the show, but Evans was hesitant - "

"I'm not surprised, I mean, taking on this role fifty years after it premiered in - "

Remus shot him a look this time, and James hastily mumbled out an apology, "Sorry, I'm just excited."

Remus sighed, smiled wryly at James, "I know, that's why I wanted to wait until you'd stopped fangirling. I actually like completing my sentences."

James grinned, stuffed a hand into his hair, "Sorry, mate, continue."

"Anyway, Evans was hesitant to do the media circuit before she put on the show, didn't want to put the cart before the horse I guess. Well, now that it's a complete fucking success," James opened his mouth like he was going to interrupt, but closed it when Remus raised his eyebrow again, "she's ready to talk to some reporters. You know that McKinnon and I go way back, so I pulled some strings, and she agreed to let you be the first to interview, assuming Evans is alright with it. McKinnon is taking the paperwork over to Evans now, and is going to email it all over as soon as she gets back in the office this afternoon."

"Holy shit," James breathed, his hand jumped to his hair again, "I - Fuck, Remus, mate, thank you!"

Remus just grinned, "Remember that the next time you and Sirius make fun of me for playing ultimate in uni. It's where McKinnon and I met."

James pressed his lips together, barely suppressed a smile, "I - I would never make fun of you for - It's all Sirius - " a small laugh escaped his lips, and Remus snorted, threw a pen at his head, "Get the fuck out of my office, Potter."

Lily scooped her tea bag out of her mug, set it on the dish on the countertop by the hob, moved the mobile in her hand to her other ear, "What programme is this again?"

She opened the fridge, grabbed the quart of milk and dropped a splash into her mug while Marlene talked away in her ear, "Britain Tonight with James Potter. He's a bloke that I, apparently, went to uni with. I know the producer and I agreed that, as long as it's alright with you, I'd let them get the exclusive now that you're down to give interviews."

Lily slid the milk back into the fridge, grabbed a spoon out of the drawer, stirred her tea, and took a long drag, "Oh, is that the one on ITV?"

She could practically feel Marlene nodding through the phone, "The very same. What do you think?"

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