Funeral For a Friend

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by Amelia Bedelia

Lily proceeded slowly down the aisle.

"Lily," someone called from behind her. "I'm so sorry – I can't imagine how hard this has been for you."

The redhead stopped to face the woman speaking to her. It was her Arithmancy teacher from Hogwarts. Lily merely managed to flash a grim smile.

"Come here, dear," the woman said. She wedged her way through a thick crowd, moving towards Lily and shoving people out of the way. Her large, purple hat flew off her head and onto the floor as a man stepped into her path and accidentally knocked the oversized hat off with a gesture of his hand. The woman paid no attention, and continued without stopping. The woman approached her target and threw her arms around the frail, teenage girl. "Just let it all out. I'm here for you, darling."

Lily did not do anything but allow the sweet, old woman feel like she had actually helped Lily.

"Feeling better, honey?" the woman asked as she put two hands on each of Lily's shoulders and pushed her out to arms length. The woman searched Lily's eyes for any hint of tears, but found nothing.

"Yes, thank you, Professor Rutley," Lily said blandly, praying that the woman would just leave her alone. And to her surprise, the old woman left after a final hug goodbye.

Lily continued her walk as if she had never been interrupted.

"Lily Evans?" a voice Lily recognized as the Minister of Magic boomed to her right. "Well, I'll be," he smiled, maneuvering his way smoothly through a line of empty chairs. He pulled a hand out from behind his back and firmly shook Lily's hand in a political manner. "I never realized that you were – well…" He trailed off, nodding towards the front of the room. "A bit unfortunate, really."

Lily nodded. She pulled her hand back as soon as he released it and clutched it safely within her other hand. "It was, sir."

The man laughed with a loud guffaw and pat on his overly large belly. "No need to call me sir, Lily. You may call me Mr. Telon," he boasted proudly, as if this was a name only the privileged could call him.

"Mr. Telon," Lily automatically corrected herself.

The man beamed and nodded. A sobbing woman walked past him and he shifted awkwardly out of the hysterical woman's path, rather uncomfortable with the situation. He turned back and noticed Lily's look from his reaction.

He leaned in as if whispering a great secret. "I try to make appearances at these things," he gestured about the room. Mr. Telon held his hands up to his nice dress robes and stuck his thumbs behind the lapels. He leaned back with a smile, allowing his stomach to bulge out further than it had earlier. "Good for the publicity," he bragged, grinning at the next man that walked past. "Definitely doesn't hurt my image, considering re-election for my position begins next month."

Lily nodded, hardly registering anything he had been saying to her.

Mr. Telon held out his hand to shake Lily's again. She took it politely. "I expect to see you applying for a job at the ministry this summer," he said softly. He held onto her hand and pulled her closer to him, dropping a large, lazy arm around her shoulders. "I've heard so many good things about you – top of your class," he grinned. "We could certainly use someone with your skill in our departments." He laughed heartily from his stomach. Lily felt the vibrations of his laugh shake her small, unmoving body. "Many people retiring this year," Mr. Telon grinned. "Plenty of high positions open for you, Miss Evans. And nothing I'm sure you couldn't handle..." he chuckled, nudging her in the arm.

Lily nodded, too weak to fight her way out of his firm grip.

"Tell me you'll think about it, Lily," Mr. Telon said loudly next to her ear. He stared directly into her eyes without his gaze wavering.

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