Cherry Pie

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by thejilyship

James was almost positive that his head was going to split open and the contents would just spill right out onto the concrete. After a night out with the lads and having consumed more alcohol than he cared to recollect, he needed a good meal and a lot of water after the night he'd just had.

They'd just finished up with Peter's stag party, and while Sirius had tried to get them to stay out later, James had been glad when Peter declined, because James didn't want to be the only one who vomited. Damn Peter and his taste for fruity beverages that had too much sugar. And damn Sirius for telling him that he had to keep pace with him all night. Sirius didn't care what kind of alcohol they were drinking, he always drank a lot of it.

He was stupid. He didn't have to keep pace with Sirius, and he knew that. But he did it anyway, and now he was paying for it. And he would keep paying for it until next week probably.

He was also not headed home like he should have been doing. Instead he was walking toward a diner that was miraculously still open. He didn't know that there were any 24-hour diners near his place, and that was probably a good thing, since he would have gone in too often at three am if he had known.

He pushed the door open and a small bell chimed above his head. He quickly turned to look up, making his head and stomach swirl in protest and he had to grip the door handle for a moment so he didn't fall over or get sick.

"Oh no," Someone said from across the restaurant, and James assumed they were talking to someone else until he heard footsteps coming in his direction. He opened his eyes, not having realized that they were shut, and looked up to find himself face to face with perhaps the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She looked angry, but that did nothing to detract from her beauty, and nothing to stop him from staring at her either.

"You can't come in here this late and get sick. I'm not paid enough to clean up after drunks."

"Drunk?" James asked, doing his best to stand up and show her his most charming smile. He ran a hand through his hair, knowing that it had to be absolutely atrocious, but he had always thought he looked more dashing with his hair in total disarray anyway. "I am not some drunk. I am a hungry, customer."

"You're not a customer yet. You're hardly even in the diner actually." The waitress put a hand on her hip and waved her hand at him in a shooing motion. "And I'd rather you didn't come in, honestly."

"Oh I'm a customer. I've already decided what I'm going to eat and everything."

He watched her shoulders droop and realized that he must not look nearly as charming as he thought he did if she wasn't swooning over him already.

"Fine. But if you look like you're going to get sick, I'm going to drag you out of the diner myself, understand?"

"Crystle." He held up his hand in the a-okay gesture and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Sorry, I thought you were going to say, 'Do I make myself clear' but then you didn't." He shook his head and then started into the restaurant, toward the counter, though he had to side step her in the process.

Fucking hell she smelled good. Like cherry pie and something that reminded him distinctly of Christmas at his parent's house. One of those smells from when he was a kid though. The ones that instantly made you feel all nostalgic. James was a rather nostalgic person anyway and so he sighed and plopped himself down on one of the stools at the counter and spun himself around so he could rest his elbow on the counter. It was quite a graceful thing for a drunk man to accomplish.

"I used to have a cat," He said, looking at the waitress. "Her name was Chester."

She hardly glanced at him, and he was expecting at least two follow up questions, but all he got was a flip of her notepad and a semi-glare.

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