Chapter 1

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I really tried on the cover. Does it look okay? ^^^

I'm not going to start updating this just yet, but I wanted to give you guys a little taste of this to get a feel for it. This book is going to have pretty short chapters. 400-1500 words per chapter. I hope it doesn't disappoint 😊

Also, you'll want to go back and reread the introduction. It's been updated.


~Jimin's POV~

He's so handsome.

He always is.

A nice undercut, side styled hair, with the hint of a tattoo on his neck. His basketball number, I think. He always had a bit of a resting bitch face, but he would smile brightly in contrast if he saw you smile at him. He had the most adorable gummy smile that could light up a room. He always wore black. Black shoes, black socks, black pants, black shirt, matching his black letterman that the senior boy never seemed to take off. His sharp eyes would flit around the room as he looked over everyone, taking in everyone's faces before he would sweetly make his rounds, complimenting everyone with a smile just to brighten other's days.

"I didn't know you had piercings."

I tensed up whenever I heard his voice behind me. Well, really, I'd already known he was there. The scent of his alpha hormones and cologne were hard to miss. I clenched my teeth and tried hard not to panic as I turned in my chair and gave him a tight smile.

"I do." I said softly.

"They look good on you." He said simply, his eyes rolling over all of my visible piercings, before he gave me a friendly pat on my back and walked away to continue giving other's their compliments.

He likes my piercings.

I nervously rolled my tongue piercing's jewelery around the roof of my mouth as I shamelessly checked him out as he walked.

I wonder if he has any piercings too? I've seen ear piercings on him...he always only wears spacers though. Never his actual jewelry.

Regardless, my eyes inconspicuously followed his thin but muscular frame as he finished up his rounds.

I wonder what he says to everyone else? Are the compliments that he gives me more mundane than the ones he gives others?

Does he compliment me only because he doesn't want me to feel left out?

I guess I'll never know.

I mean, I don't have any friends. Not a single one--a least, not ones in real life. I have plenty of online friends, but...

Otherwise, my social life is pretty stagnant.

I pursed my lips as my eyes flitted over to Yoongi as he sat down in his seat for class.

I can't wait for tomorrow.

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