Chapter 59

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One week until the concert...😆

I'm trying to prepare myself mentally and physically and can't concentrate on writing at all lately 😅 lucky me, I have extra chapters written out for you guys.

Plus, I'm on the last chapter before the epilogue. Maybe I can get it done soon, but that depends on if I can concentrate long enough 😁

Also, More is getting released tonight at 11~ I'm so excited~ Oh my Hobi, he's gonna do great! 😆

Also, have you guys seen the theories about Jack in the box? Some of them I've seen are so cool!


"Are you boys all packed up?"

I pouted a little as I glanced around my room for anything else I could possibly want to take with me to have on our first night at our newly acquired suite. My eyes scoured the room, but I found nothing.

I gave a little nod to Yoongi's mom when I saw nothing to stall with any longer. Yoongi gave me a knowing, sympathetic look as he shouldered our three bags of clothes and small necessities that would be coming with us.

"Alright, then you two hop into Yoongi's car and follow me." His mother said and walked out of my room.

Seeing my hesitance at leaving the room, Yoongi wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders. "We can come back at any time, babe. Don't worry, okay?"

I curled my lip and pouted a little, still unsure, but obediently took his hand and let him lead me out of the house. He opened my car door for me and leaned inside to buckle me in, planting a kiss on my cheek as he retreated before he put our bags in the back seat and got in to drive after he quickly speeding off mother.


Home sweet...home?

Yoongi and I both kind of cringed when we walked into the apartment. It had a gaudy scheme to it, that screamed older woman. I sent Yoongi a look, and found him returning it as we walked further inside.

This will definitely be replaced, even if we have to trade it for bargain brand shit...

"Now boys, I have some stuff I have to run and do at the office, so I'm going to leave you alone for now. But don't even think about slacking on unpacking just because I'm not here. I better come back to everything put away, got it?" His mom said, like she had some reason to care if we actually did it or not.

"You don't have to come back. We'll be fine." Yoongi said with a frown.

"Nonsense. I need to make sure you're comfortable, don't I? I dont want you two fighting because you're stressed or you might become unproductive in your studies and relationship."

I feel like you being here will halt us more than us being alone.

"Mom, we're alone together all the time. We'll be fine. And besides, you want us to further our relationship don't you?" Yoongi had a mischievous glint in his eyes that I was sure only I caught as he stepped closer to his mom and whispered something in her ear. She paused at whatever he'd said, before she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Well, I suppose you're right. I guess I'll leave you boys alone. But call me if you need anything, alright?"

"Yeah, bye mom." Yoongi said nonchalantly with a slight triumphant smirk.

I waved at her as she left in a bit of a hurry, before I turned to Yoongi. "What did you say to her?" I asked with a frown.

"I said we wouldn't be very productive in fucking around to make her grandkids if she was in the vicinity, and that maybe she should vacate so I can seduce you." He said bluntly with that smirk growing.

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