Chapter 50

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Found that blessing this morning 😇^^^^^

Hobi and TXT are performing at the lollapalooza on July 31st and I really want to ask my mom about potentially going 🥲 she got mad at me for not telling her about BTS going to Nevada and said she may have tried to pull some strings, but I don't know if I'm brave enough to get on a plane if she actually said okay. Bruh...I wanna go see them both, but I don't think I can afford it or am brave enough to get on a plane 🥲 and I already had the skz heart attack, but this--THIS is my baby 😭 HOBIIII and TXT... 🥺 I want to bring it up so bad...


"So remind me again why you want to go to a specific flower shop and not one in our hometown?" Yoongi grumbled again, looking at his gas meter over and over like it was going to dent his wallet.

"Stop asking." I mumbled as I looked at my phone, scrolling over the flower shop's little website. I leaned over and kissed his cheek to motivate him, but that motivation didn't last long as he pulled into the next town.

"Fine. Give me directions then." He grumbled back.

After soft arguments about somewhat slow and confusing directions, we eventually got to the flower shop.

"Thank you, honey." I mumbled, turning his head towards me so I could kiss him. He leaned into my kiss for a moment, before he pulled apart with a disgruntled look on his face.

"Come on, let's get this over with."

I pouted a little at his pissy mood as we both got out of the car. I clung to his arm as we walked inside, to be greeted by a young omega boy that couldn't have been much older than us.

"Hi, good afternoon! Can I help you with anything?"

"Ah..." I looked up at Yoongi, before I smiled nervously at the boy. "We'll just look at the flowers a bit if that's okay..." I mumbled.

Yoongi wrapped his arm around me to comfort my nerves about talking to a new person, while they smiled and bowed. "Alright. If you need any help, let me know!" Then, they walked away.

While Yoongi was looking at and curiously sniffing all of the flowers, I focused my attention on trying to subtly looking around to see if I could spot someone that looked similar to me. I had a little pout on my face as I couldn't spot anyone other than two workers, one at the register and the other being the one that had offered to help us that was now talking softly to someone in the back of the store. I swung my and Yoongi's hands back and forth a little boredly as he looked at the flowers.

"You're the one that wanted flowers, but you aren't even looking." He mumbled without even glancing at me as he gently brushed the top of his index finger over a rose petal to feel it's softness.

"Pick me some." I mumbled with a little pout. "You choose."

"Why do you want me to choose?" He asked with a frown.

I turned and hugged him with a little smile. "Because I want you to! I wanna see what flowers you choose!"

He huffed a little, before he went back to looking at the flowers without a word back. I smiled, hoping he had taken me seriously and wasn't just ignoring me. I left him to his own devices, wondering if he would actually put together a little bouquet for me, or if he would find a premade one to give me.

Or if he'll just ignore me.

While he was preoccupied by the flowers, I wandered between the aisles of flowers. They had some pretty premade bouquets that sat on racks that went up to the ceiling. I stepped forward to smell some of the more exotic ones, pleasantly surprised to find an soft fragrance.

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