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Thank you for 9k reads on July 3rd~

~Two months later~


"I'm sorry baby, we're almost there!" Yoongi hissed, speeding up the car as I heaved in the passenger's seat, clenching my teeth and trying to breathe through the pain I felt in my entire body. I whimpered when I finally saw the hospital, a rush of ease running over my heart--though it was quickly expelled when I felt the pain in my body over it again.

Yoongi nearly fell as he jumped out of the car, running over to my side as I pushed open the door. He'd parked right at the entrance near the emergency room, and was carrying me as quickly as he could inside. He didn't even have to say anything--a few nurses could tell by my whines and belly what was going on. They could probably hear me outside. They had Yoongi place me in a wheelchair, before they took me to a room to stay where I would be until dilated. Yoongi held my hand the entire time, nervously tapping his feet after I had snapped at him the first time he tried verbal comfort. He listened to my cries as he looked around the room, waiting quietly. About ten minutes or so of him waiting and me dying in a bed, a woman came inside and offered to prepare me for a c-section.

"What the hell is that?" I hissed in between breaths.

"Yes, he wants one."

I looked up when I heard my mom's voice. She rushed inside, holding a bag with a distressed look on her face. Yoongi moved for her to sit down in the spot next to me when she arrived, after Yoongi must have called her. She took the place next to me, taking my hand comfortingly.

"They'll give you something to knock you out and just cut you open to get your pups out, instead of you trying to go natural and rip up your body in the process. It'll be much easier on you." She explained, while I hissed in pain.

"Great." I seethed.

It took a bit before they were ready to take me into the surgery room or whatever the hell it is, but before long they had administered some anesthetic and something else that put me to sleep.

The next thing I knew, I was groaning as I woke up, with a weird pain in my body. My throat felt dry as I swallowed, cracking my eyes open in the relatively dark room.

"Yoongi?" I called a bit hoarsely, clenching my teeth as I moved a bit. My shaky hand went to my belly, just as my eyes did.

"I'm here, baby." I heard his deep, kind of groggy voice reply. The next thing I saw, was him hovering over me and placing his hand over mine, just before I could touch my weirdly aching belly. "Don't touch your stomach. You've got some fresh stitches there."

"Stitches?" I asked in a little mumble.

"Yeah. From the c-section. The pups were born a couple hours ago." He mumbled with a smile. "May seventh is their birthday."

"May seventh?" I repeated quietly. I swallowed thickly again, before my eyes flitted up to him. "Can I see them? What genders are they?"

He smiled. "We can't see them yet, love. They're still getting cleaned up and checked out. As for your other question though...what do you think they are?"

I scrunched my nose, my eyes slowly shifting away. "I don't know. Can you get me some water while I think about that?"

"I have a water bottle." He mumbled, stepping away to grab a bag--my mom's bag that she must have left. "Your mom left a little while ago, and left this bag for us. You've been asleep for about two hours. Since they released you to here, anyway." He said as he unzipped the bag and pulled out a water bottle. He helped me to sit up just slightly so the water wouldn't spill on me, before he tilted the water bottle so I could drink it. I easily drank half the bottle, before I groaned quietly and laid back.

"Did we get a boy and a girl?" I guessed after I had drank some water.

"Nope." He said with a smile as he screwed on the cap and set it on the little table next to me.

"They're the same gender?" I asked, shifting my eyes to him again.

"Yeah. We got two baby girls. I believe they tested them for their second genders already--an alpha and an omega."

"Two girls, one alpha and one omega?" I asked with a little smile. "What are we going to name them?"

"I don't know. But we have plenty of time to think about it." He mumbled with a smile. "So..."

"So?" I asked curiously.

"So...any chance of trying for a boy next time...?"

"You want a boy?"

"Mm. To be the father I never got wouldn't hurt."

"You have two girls to dote on for that. But, I suppose I wouldn't mind a boy myself. We might try again sometime. But it'll be awhile." I mumbled, as I huffed. "We have to get used to our two baby girls before we even think of a third."

"Well, I'm content with a might. For now." He mumbled, taking my hand. "How do you feel?"

"Weird." I mumbled. "It's a weird kind of pain. I feel deflated."

"You are deflated."

"Thanks." I scoffed. "I really wanted to hear that."

"Sorry, love." He said with a smile. "You're beautiful no matter how you look."

"Say that once we see how my belly heals after this."

"I'll say it as many times as it takes for you to believe me." He mumbled, leaning over me and kissing my forehead. "Why don't you try and rest some more? The pups probably won't be ready for awhile longer. The nurse said it would be a couple hours before we could be approved to see the pups."

I huffed. "Why do I need approval to see the pups I slaved over for months?"

"So they can be checked and cleaned. Do you want to hold a bloody pup with the umbilical cord still hanging on?"

I glared at him, before I got comfortable in the bed I was in. "Give me your jacket." I grumbled.

He didn't ask any questions. He obediently gave me his jacket, which I snuggled up to and pointed at the chair a couple feet away. "Go sit down and don't bother me until the pups are ready to be seen. I'm going back to sleep."



🤔 Was that alright?

I don't know. But I hope that this is an alright close to this story. It's been a longer ride than I expected it to be in the beginning. My longest book, so far 😅 and I'm sad to say that I'm not too proud of it. It was a splurge writing in the beginning that I splurge published. I had no direction I intended to take it, and it's ended up like this, for better or worse. But I hope it wasn't too disappointing. Thank you for reading this, regardless of what you thought of it. It means a lot.

All that's left now is my usual milestones chapter. Thank you guys so much for reading and hopefully enjoying. I'll probably take a little break and casually update my smut book and (maybe?) the SKZ book I've got up. But I'm still iffy on that one.

Anyway, thank you guys! I'll see you again soon~ borahae~ 🥰💜❤

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