Chapter 57

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What should their kid's name be?

Looking for something Korean so it blends in 😶


Most of the day, Yoongi and I just cuddled while his mom went back and forth with every single realtor that we met. Yoongi crooned softly the entire time, nearly putting to sleep a few times as we listened to his mom snapping at a realtor.

"Okay, I think we've finally got a good option." She hissed as the realtor left the room. She looked to us to find me in Yoongi's lap while we were in the midst of our cuddling. Yoongi trilled his croon lazily like a cat, acknowledging her but giving her no other indication that he heard her. I, on the other hand, had my face tucked into his neck and completely tuned her out.

She huffed at us when we clearly didn't care, just as the realtor came back with a set of keys.

"Come with me." They said simply.

About twenty minutes later, Yoongi was carrying me down a hall to an elevator that would take us directly to a suite. I purred quietly in his arms as he followed the realtor and his mom into the elevator, just before the realtor put a special key card into the elevator and it started going up, only to open it's doors on a floor specially meant for only this one suite. A few steps forward and we were at the front door of the suite.

The realtor unlocked it for us to check out, and let us go in. I softly whined when Yoongi set me down, making me stand on my own as we went into the suite.

"Let's look around, okay?" He mumbled softly, nudging me a little.

I pouted, but obediently glanced around. I huffed before I walked away to go and check out the three bedrooms.

"Do we really need all this space?" I asked with a frown.

"Yes." Yoongi mumbled in my ear as he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You're pregnant. We'll need a room for the pup. Plus, the extra room will probably be used as a work space. Or recreation."

I hummed, looking over my shoulder at him. "Or a second pup."

He crooned, clearly liking the suggestion. I sent him a little knowing smile as he playfully kissed my neck, though he stopped immediately when his mom came into the room.

"What do you think?" She asked, glancing at us.

"It's nice." Yoongi mumbled. "What do you think?" He asked, looking down at me.

I still think it might be a bit big, but...

"Yeah, I like it."

"Should we look anywhere else before we decide?" His mother asked.

"No." Yoongi and I said in unison. I don't know if he said it because he didn't want to be around his mother's loud voice anymore either, but I was glad he declined too.

"Alright. I'll work on getting it. You two can go back to the house. I'll handle it from here."

"We'll be going to Jimin's house." Yoongi mumbled as he turned me around.

"You don't want to spend more ti--"

Before his mom could finish that sentence, Yoongi snatched me up and quickly carried me off to avoid that question. I giggled quietly as he carried me out of the building, cuddling with him as he carried me to his car.

When we got back to my house, my mom wasn't home. And Yoongi seemed happy about it. Though when he carried me to my room and laid me in my bed, I pouted in annoyance.

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