Chapter 43

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"Do you mind if we drop by my house for a few minutes before we go to yours, babe?" Yoongi asked as he carried our bags next to me to his car, the other hand holding mine.

"What for?" I asked, looking up at him curiously.

"Well, since I spend the majority of my time at your house anyway, I wanted to get some of my clothes so I don't have to go home every morning to get ready for school. If that's cool with you, I mean."


That means that I'll get to wake up with Yoongi in the morning more...

And he won't be waking me up at the ass crack of dawn anymore either since his morning practices are over...

"Okay. Bring your whole wardrobe if you want to and move in if you like." I shrugged with a little smile.

"Oh? Would you let me?" He asked with a smirk.

"I'm sure mama would love to have you living with me since she's always gone. Never hurts to have an alpha around."

He crooned quietly and leaned down to kiss me playfully. "I guess I'll pack my whole damn wardrobe then."

"Good." I mumbled, kissing him back before I went to get in the passenger's seat while he put our bags in the back.

Whenever we got to his house, Yoongi mumbled a little cuss under his breath when he saw his parents were 'home early', but he still held my hand and led me inside. I hid behind him a bit nervously, hoping we wouldn't come across his parents, but as soon as we walked in, I heard his parents screaming back and forth.

Yoongi growled softly at the noise, covering my ears so I wouldn't hear it before turning me around with the intention of leading me out, but his mother came storming into the entry way and spotted us--or at least, Yoongi, since I was blocked from view by his body.

"Yoongi, get over here!" She hollered. Despite Yoongi's attempt to cover my ears, I could still hear it clearly as his father yelled profanities and Yoongi tried to tell his mother to leave him alone.

"Yoonie..." I called softly beneath the three alpha's yelling. Yoongi growled softly, ignoring the two of them as he wrapped his arms around me protectively and tried to leave again.

"Is that Jimin?" His mother hissed after she heard my voice. She came closer, only to get snarled at by Yoongi.

"Stay away from my mate." He growled under his breath at her.

"Jimin, is that you?" She asked again. I stood on my toes to peek over Yoongi's shoulder at her, and was met with her furious expression--only for it to disappear immediately when she confirmed I was here. "Honey, why didn't you say you were bringing home your mate today? I would have had the maids come in." She fussed like she hadn't just been fighting with her husband. "Come in, sit down!"

"No, I think we'll be going." Yoongi spat, holding me tighter protectively as she came a bit closer.

"Bring him in."

I flinched a little when I heard Yoongi's father's scarily calm voice. Yoongi tightened his grip on my clothes, tucking my face into his chest as he turned us around.

"I came to get my clothes, nothing else." Yoongi mumbled.

"Why?" His mother asked.

Yoongi ignored his mother and kept staring at his dad. "I was going to take them over to Jimin's house, since I'm always with him instead of here."

"So you were planning to move into the Park's house without saying anything?" His father asked.

"I'm always there anyway. You wanted me to marry. I'm not going to do that yet, but I'm courting an omega, am I not? Is that not enough for you?"

All It Takes Is One Step | YoonminHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin