Chapter 63

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I have nothing to say for once.


"Have you studied any?"

I groaned, hugging Seokjin with a pout. "No, I was busy..." I whined, pressing my chin into his chest as I pouted up at the taller omega.

"Jimin! You better hope you don't bomb the exams then!" Seokjin lightly scolded. "We're in the home stretch, the last month of our high school years and you forgot to study?! What if you don't pass?!"

"I could always drop out..." I jested with a little smile.

Seokjin scoffed at me, making me whine.

"Oh, don't give me that look! I can always cram real fast before the exams! I was busy making life choices!" I complained, letting go of Seokjin as I leaned on him from where we sat on the rooftop of the school, just before our first class--and our first week back at school. Time had flown quickly with Yoongi and I mostly preparing for our wedding, and now--I was starting to show. And so were the side effects of my pregnancy.

I just hope I don't have to pee or throw up in the middle of any of my exams.

But, it's not like I can avoid it. It's January, the 'home stretch', where every last bit counts.

If I don't pass, I don't graduate. That's how it works, right?

Maybe I can get the smartass named Yoongi to help me study?

The alpha, lately, had been getting on my last nerve. He'd been confined to sleeping on the couch a few times, too. Though it made it clear he didn't regret a thing, he was driving me nuts and held no remorse.

I don't want to ask him for help.

"I don't see why you and Yoongi are rushing into things so fast. I mean, I know Yoongi's parents are horrible, but can't you fight back?"

"Uh--this was all pretty well our own accord, actually. Especially the me being pregnant part." I mumbled, placing my hand on my two, almost three month belly.

Seokjin shook his head disapprovingly. "I'm just gonna say this as a friend's protocol, don't you think you should wait until you know him a bit better? I mean, me and Namjoon have been together for at least a year now and we've never even brought up the topic of marriage. And here you are at a few months and getting married with twins in your belly..."

"I know. But I'm happy, and that's what matters. Besides, we both know that Yoongi won't hurt me." I said, purring as I cuddled the other omega.

He scoffed. "Yeah, I know. But--"

"No more buts or you won't be my bridesmaid."

"Okay, no more buts." Seokjin grumbled, but he made sure that I could see his pout. I giggled at him, nudging him playfully before I closed my eyes, intending to rest them a bit now.

"There you are."

My eyes opened, and Seokjin and I both looked up to find Yoongi and Namjoon coming over to us. Yoongi had a little pout on his face when he saw us cuddling, presumably because that meant that Seokjin's scent would ruin the strong scent Yoongi had been working on covering me in for the past month. But I paid the pouty, jealous alpha no mind.

"Class is about to start. You can't hear the bell from up here, so come down." Namjoon said, crouching down next to Seokjin and scooping up the omega. Seokjin grumbled, not wanting to be removed from his spot, but he didn't fight Namjoon either. Next, it was my turn. Yoongi crouched next to me, but didn't immediately pick me up. He placed his hand on my belly, intending on feeling our twins before he picked me up and carried me away to the first step in our demise--the reviewing class before we took our exams.

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