Chapter 3

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Oh shit oh god oh shit--

For the past ten minutes, I have been pacing around my bedroom staring at my phone, with Yoongi's number dialed into it.

Oh god oh shit oh god--

How the fuck am I supposed to call him?!

Does he actually want me to call him?!

It's already nine p.m.-- he wanted me to call him at night so now is when, but--

Oh god--

Fuck, I'll just do it!

I jumped onto my bed and grabbed my phone, tapping the call button before I could chicken out.

Oh no--


I hung up.

But a second later, he called me back. I gasped and nearly threw my phone, but thankfully, didn't. I took in a deep breath, trying to compose myself as I hesitantly accepted the call.

"You hung up on me." His annoyed voice came through before I could answer with the traditional 'hello'.

"S-Sorry..." I mumbled softly.

I heard his soft chuckle on the other end.

"It's fine. I'm not actually mad. I was starting to wonder if you would ever call me."

"Y-Yeah..." I stiffly chuckled too.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously. "You took a long time to call. Have you eaten dinner yet?"




"Then what in the world have you been doing that took you so long?"

Pacing. Anticipating. Debating.

Not calling.


"That long?"



There was a little pause in the aimless conversation before he asked, "How many piercings do you have, pup?"

I blushed at the nickname.

"Um..." I quickly and quietly counted. Five on each ear, one nose, my tongue, my lip and my belly button... "Fourteen." I mumbled.

"Fourteen?" He asked incredulously. "Where?"

" ears have five each, then my nose ring, tongue piercing, my lip, and my belly button..."

"Damn. I should call you cyborg instead of pup."


"I'm just kidding, pup." He chuckled.

There's that nickname again...

"R-Right..." I mumbled.

"Well, master of piercings, I was wondering if you would be up for going with me to get a new piercing tomorrow? I don't know anyone else that gets piercings, and it's a bit weird going alone...for this one."

"Y-You--" I asked with wide eyes. He wants me to go with him to get a new piercing?!

"Is that a no?"

"N-No! I-I mean--" I sputtered. "I-I'll g-go, but--"

"But what?" He asked curiously.

" you really need me...?"

"Why not you? Besides," He paused for a second and I could hear him rustling in the background a bit. "I want to get closer to you. So you aren't always alone, pup."


"You heard me." He chuckled. "So you'll come with me, then? Cool. I'll tell you the details tomorrow at school. I got to go to bed now. Early practices and all, gotta sleep."


He breathily chuckled quietly. "Yeah. Good night, pup. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"G-Good night..." I said softly. I heard him chuckle again, before he ended the call, leaving me with my thoughts.


I'm going to be alone with him tomorrow--what the fuck was I thinking?

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