Chapter 11

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7 pm, watching it snow outside while sitting by the fire, cooking weenies, drinking hot cocoa and writing on wattpad. I can't think of any better way to spend my night 😊


That ended up as all we did.

We didn't mate, or do much of anything else. We just cuddled for a few hours before Yoongi said that he had to go home. I pouted a little after he'd left, but cheered back up a little whenever I realized that my room smelled heavily of the alpha. Particularly my bed and myself.

And I didn't take a shower last night so that I could bask fully in his scent.

Nor did I take one this morning, so I went to school smelling strongly of him.

And I know my classmates recognized his natural scent and his cologne, too. Because I received a few funny, surprised looks whenever I walked in this morning.

"Good morning."

I looked up with wide eyes whenever someone I didn't recognize the voice of spoke to me. When I looked up, I found the person to be one of Yoongi's friends.

The omega from before.

"G-Good morning."

He gave me a soft smile whenever he saw how nervous I was. "You don't have to be nervous or afraid. I just wanted to say hello."


He sat down in the seat next to me and asked, " and Yoongi..." He trailed off slowly. "Are you an item now?"

I immediately blushed and sputtered out, "N-No, of course not! W-We're just--um...friends, I guess...well, more like acquaintances, but--"

"So you aren't together."


He smiled. "Ah."

I remained quiet and awkward.

"So what do you think of Yoongi then? He can be quite assertive whenever it comes to others."

"Y-Yeah..." I mumbled. Not that I minded at all. "W-Well...he's s-sweet, and...patient..."

The omega rose an eyebrow at me.

"E-Er..." I averted my gaze. "I-I mean..." I winced a little under the omega's scrutiny as I tried to come back from what I'd said. "I...really...l-like him.." Whenever I realized what I'd said though, I gasped and quickly tried to change the meaning and explain. "I-I mean--l-like a f-friend! Y-You know--um--n-not!"

I slammed my face down into my desk really hard, trying to hide.

The omega looked concerned. " don't have to explain. I know what you're saying. Well, doing would be more accurate. You're embarrassed to admit you like him, right?"

"Like who?"

I flinched whenever I heard Yoongi's voice. I hesitantly peeked just in time for Yoongi's friend to look up at him.

"Oh, no one. We were just having some omega talk." The omega said with a smile on his face.

"Mhm." Yoongi didn't look convinced. He gave the omega the once over before he looked at me. "Did he bother you, pup?"

"N-No..." I stuttered softly.

The omega smirked at Yoongi whenever I agreed with him, before he looked at me. "My name is Seokjin, by the way. I hope we can be friends."

I gave him a small but awkward smile, nodding along with what he said. He gave me a smile, before he stood up and nudged Yoongi with his shoulder. He whispered something in Yoongi's ear, something that turned Yoongi's head as he walked away. I frowned a little, staring up at Yoongi as he watched Seokjin leave.

"What were you two talking about?" Yoongi asked with a little frown whenever we were alone. He sat down in Seokjin's vacated seat and watched me with a serious expression.

"Um..." I blushed and looked away from him, hoping for fucks sake that he couldn't hear my heart beat beating a million beats a second. " things..."

"Like what?" He persisted, frowning more whenever I tried to be vague.

"W-Why do you care? L-Like I said, it was just omega stuff..."

"Like what?" He asked again, with a soft growl behind his words. I tensed and gulped thickly, not really understanding why he was getting mad at me.

Whenever I remained quiet, the alpha softly growled again, before he stood up and came close to me, grabbing me by my shirt. I gasped whenever he grabbed me, staring at him with wide eyes as my fear scent tried to fill the room. But he just grabbed me and leaned down, his lips going to my neck like he would bite my scent gland.

And I'll be fucking damned if I said it didn't shoot a rush of blood right to my dick at the sudden dominance from him, even if I was terrified out of my mind.

But just as soon as it happened, Yoongi stepped away from me with a pissed off expression.

"Sorry." He spat out, but he didn't sound the least bit sorry. Not that I minded. I didn't need the apology.

"I-It's fine, but--" I started to say something, but before I could, Yoongi cut me off.

"Did you not take a shower this morning?"

I immediately tensed, and my mind automatically wondered if I smelled bad. I subconsciously sniffed myself, just as the moment that Yoongi looked at me.

"You smell strongly of me. That's why I asked." He explained, which made me feel a little better.

But now I have to lie to him so he doesn't know I wanted to smell like him...

"U-Um...y-yeah...I um, didn't have time, so...I'm s-sorry, i-is it bad? I can go...wash off in the bathroom or something..." I mumbled, trying to think of something to say to please him.




He looked at me. "Keep my scent on you." He mumbled, staring me in the eyes silently. My heart skipped a beat whenever the alpha flashed a beautiful pair of amber eyes at me, before he turned towards me and leaned down, placing his hand on my desk as he did and the other hand grabbed my chin. I blushed whenever he kissed me with no warning. Just a short, simple kiss that was over in a second.

"I'll get jealous and mad if you lie to me or keep things from me, pup." He mumbled, making me stare up at him with wide eyes as he backed away. "I'm going to practice. Stay away from other alphas. And Seokjin."

He didn't give me the chance to answer; He walked away, leaving me with that one command.



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