Chapter 65

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Only the epilogue left after this. I'll get to work~~

Bruh. I forgot I said I wouldn't upload this one just yet, but I guess it's too late now.



Everything is in place.

Everything is ready.




I whined as my wedding suit hugged my body, trying my best not to cry while someone was putting makeup on my face. My mom was running around like a chicken with her head cut off, and I hadn't seen Yoongi a single time today.

I want to cry.

I'm going to cry.


Shit, I'm crying--

"No!" The makeup artist screeched, quickly grabbing some tissues. At the screech, my mom rushed over and helped her, carefully dabbing away at the tears so it wouldn't mess up the work she'd already done.

"Mama, I don't think I can do it!" I sobbed, flinching a little each time their tissues got too close to my eyes.

"You'll do fine, baby." She reassured.

"My pups are squished under this suit and it's so tight..." I whined, indicating my belly. Both women cringed like they understood my discomfort, but neither of them had much to say about it. Instead, they tried to calm me and keep my tears from messing up my makeup.

"You're almost done, honey. The makeup is almost finished and once you get down that aisle, you won't even notice all those little things. Okay? Just think about Yoongi."

I'll think about how much I want to kill him for getting me pregnant with twins right about now.

It took about ten minutes for me to stop crying. The makeup artist quickly covered up any signs of me crying and finished off the makeup, before the two helped me into a pair of shoes and stood me up. My lip trembled as I tried not to cry again from the discomfort and stress, while the two helped me out of the room.

"It's time, sweetie."

I whined softly, but I didn't have the chance to back out. The wedding was pretty small, since we had only invited a few people, but the place it was at was huge and extravagant.

And that really only heightened my nerves.

But I couldn't run now.

The moment the doors opened to the hall, my heart began to pound against my chest, alarmingly fast. I took in a deep breath and gulped, but took the step forward to the doors. The makeup artist let go of me, leaving me with only my mom as support. Not a thought went through my mind as my mom walked me to the aisle. I zoned out, trying not to throw up to the stress. I didn't look around or anything. I only focused on not falling or vomiting.

Which is even harder when you're pregnant.

When my mom got me to the steps, I was grabbed by another hand. My eyes flitted over to the newcomer as my mom let go, to find Yoongi. I stiffened when my eyes met the handsome alpha's. He smiled at me, looking especially handsome in his suit and fixed, freshly cut hair. Over the months we'd known each other, his undercut had grown out. His hair didn't sit so well at the side with the length getting longer and longer. His style changed. More colors. Or maybe that would just be his jewelry in place, since I'd only seen him in spacers back then. Right now, his tattoo on his neck was showing clearly too, in contrast to when we would be at school and he had to cover it. I never paid much attention to it, but now that I could see it clearly, the number wasn't his basketball number. Then, I'd only seen the top half. A ten. But beneath the bold ten, was the number thirteen.

What does that have to do with him?

I didn't really get the chance to think much about it. My eyes flitted up to his, to find him showing me a sweet smile. He helped me up the steps and only let go of my hands once he was sure I could stand on my own. I could vaguely hear the preacher talking next to us, but as my mom as said, my mind went on autopilot once I saw him standing across from me.

Holy shit...

This man is really going to be mine for the rest of my life?

I could feel my heart thumping loudly in my chest as our eyes met. He smiled at me again, before his eyes went back to the preacher. I watched attentively as his lips moved, mirroring the preacher's now--only to stop moments after he looked at me again.

I stared back at him quietly, just as he stared at me. Only to pause in confusion when he tilted his head towards the preacher, indicating for me to look.

It was then that I realized the preacher was looking at me, waiting for me to repeat the vows with him after Yoongi had just finished.


I blushed awkwardly, stuttering and stumbling through the vows as Yoongi watched with a patient smile, trying not to chuckle at my shy persona coming through.

I gulped nervously when the preacher stopped asking me to repeat after him, but then I had a revelation--


I'm gonna have to kiss Yoongi in front of people--

I didn't get the chance to fret or panic about that though, because the next thing I knew, Yoongi pecked me on the lips. Not too fast, and not to slow thankfully, or else I would have had a heart attack. I let out a soft whine as he backed away from me, quiet enough that only he and the preacher could hear. He smiled at me, before he looked to the preacher.

I thoroughly zoned out. I tried my best to ignore all the eyes on us and my desperate need to run and hide somewhere. I bit my lip nervously, my eyes shifting to random things in the hall as I internally begged for time to speed up.

I hate being in the spotlight...


Yoongi's soft voice invaded my thoughts, gaining my rapt attention. I focused everything on him, zeroing in on the alpha to ignore everything else even harder.

"It's over, love." He mumbled. "Give me your hand."

I lifted a shaky hand towards him obediently, taking his. He handled me with ease, placing a hand on my waist and helping me down the steps and out of the venue, towards a car that would lead us to an afterparty.


Once we were sitting together in the backseat of a car with something between the driver and us for privacy, I relaxed a little. I sent Yoongi a desperate little look, making him chuckle.

"Calm down, love. The hard part is over now." He mumbled as he reached for my hand, turning the ring on my finger thoughtfully--making me furrow my brows.

When did that get there?

Yoongi sent me a little knowing smirk as I stared at the ring. He leaned over and kissed my forehead, before he smiled at me.

"We're married now, Min Jimin."

I looked up at him with wide eyes and a blush when he called me that. He laughed at my reaction, hugging me with a croon rumbling in his chest.

"Don't look so surprised, beautiful." He whispered in my ear. "Save that for the bedroom tonight...and our honeymoon week."

Oh god.


Was it disappointing? I feel disappointed and unsatisfied, but there is nothing else I can think of to write 😓 I'm sorry. My creative thinking for this story is at it's limit.

All that's left is the epilogue. I'll get to work on it now. I hope to have this story done soon.

All It Takes Is One Step | YoonminWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt