Chapter 2

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Gandr has gotten so big^^ and Loki...

Loki looks like he's lost some weight 😨

Mid January I said.

Yeah, we all should know by now that I don't bother with schedules.

I'm debating getting off my ass to go and cook some Tso chicken and fried rice that I splurge bought the stuff to make earlier.

I just ate but I'm so hungry. I ate one apple over the course of like three days. I got the stomach virus and it had me on and off 😅


These notes I leave at the beginning of chapters might actually be longer than the chapters themselves in this book 🤣


Either way, I had to wait for tomorrow. Because I had no connection to Yoongi, or any reason to talk to him otherwise. Not that I was brave enough though.

Whenever I walked into class, I found that I was rather early, and only a few people were there so far.

I have to be earlier than Yoongi, or I risk not being able to get the compliment in the morning. And I don't want to miss the chance to talk to him, even if it's only a word or two.

I sat down at my desk in the back corner near the windows, (the best seat in the room), and began to pull out my books and pencil bag.

There was a good bit of time before class would be starting and most likely before Yoongi would arrive from morning practice, so I pulled out a book to quietly read in my little corner.

Well, I didn't get to read for long.

My breath hitched in surprise whenever a hand softly landed on my desk beside my book, and I was engulfed by that familiar alpha scent and strong cologne that smelled so sickeningly manly. Next, I felt a hand on the back of my chair, trapping me in my desk.

"What are you reading?"

I looked up with wide eyes, coming face to face with the man of the hour, Yoongi himself. The alpha gave me a sweet smile whenever I looked up at him.

"U-Uh--I--" I sputtered quietly as I started to blush. I hadn't seen him coming, so I hadn't had time to brace myself for his presence.

"Are you okay?" He asked curiously, his smile fading a little.

"I-I'm fine..." I stuttered softly. "U-Um...i-it's nothing special, just...a r-random book from the l-library."

"Cool." He said with that same sweet smile. "Do you enjoy reading?"

I nodded slowly. Why is he...?

"I never really understood the appeal of reading a book. I always like to be moving or doing something."


At my lack of response, he seemed a bit put off. I felt extremely nervous, not sure what to say to him. I was used to just the usual 'I like your shirt' or 'your hair looks good', and just having to say 'thank you'. Not a full blown conversation where I actually had to participate and think of proper replies.

Despite my awkwardice though, Yoongi tried to keep the conversation going.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you always alone, pup?" He asked, sitting down in the empty seat beside me so he wasn't crowding me.

"U-Um...I just..enjoy it. Being alone, I mean..." I mumbled, averting my gaze and blushing at the little nickname, but feeling a bit better now that he wasn't so up in my business.

"Mm. But isn't it lonely? Not having anyone to ever talk to?"

"I'm used to it."

He frowned at my answer.

"Oh." He mumbled.

The awkwardness was back, and this time, Yoongi didn't seem to know what to say. Rather, the alpha seemed to be a bit deep in thought.

"Do you want friends?" He asked passingly, his eyes slowly wandering to my face.

"Um..." I looked away. "I don't either way."

He stared at me for a moment, but before he could say anything, the classroom door opened.

"Yoongi, what are you doing? Practice is about to start!"

I looked over and found Jungkook, one of Yoongi's close friends, standing at the door.

"I'll come in a minute." Yoongi called back, shooing away Jungkook.

The younger boy looked unamused, but shut the classroom door.

Yoongi snickered quietly, before he stood up. He snatched my notebook from off my desk, earning a soft, "h-hey--" from me, as he took my pencil too. He wrote something down on my notebook, before he set it back on my desk.

Call me tonight♡ (XXX)-XXX-XXXX

"Don't forget." He said with a smile. "You have to call, or I'll get mad."

"W-What? Why?" I asked with wide eyes as I double taked at his phone number and his expression.

"Cause I said to." He said, before he started to walk away--only to pause.

"Oh--" He looked back at me. "Your stutter is adorable, by the way."

I tensed and stared at him with wide eyes as he mischievously winked at me before he rushed out of the classroom to go to practice.

Oh shit...

All It Takes Is One Step | YoonminOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora