Chapter 41

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I was writing a cute part right now and almost forgot to update 😁 I was just about to start cleaning my grandma's living room and I remembered. I'm a day late, but that's not as bad as when I'm three, right?


But anyway, I was writing a cute part to this story. You guys won't see it for awhile, but I hope y'all find it as cute as I do~~ huhuhu~


Yoongi was right. When I woke up the next morning, he was gone. Though he had left me a little note and made sure to replace himself with one of my bigger teddy bears to make up his absence.

I love you, babe. Have a good day.

P.S.: Stay away from Seokjin.

-Your alpha male 😘

I giggled at the note, smiling at the poorly drawn kissing emoji. I put the little note in my bag to take with me, before I got ready for school.

How will he know if I stay away from Seokjin? All his other friends that could watch me will be with him.

Though...I guess I don't really want to talk to Seokjin either. He's too...


Though, when I got to school, the first thing that happened was Seokjin walked up to me.

"Hi little puppy." He said with a teasing smile. "All the alphas are gone today."

"I-I know..." I mumbled with a little pout as I sat in my seat.

"So." He sat down in the seat next to me with a little smirk. "Want to go shopping together after school?"

"I don't have any money..." I mumbled awkwardly.

"That's okay, neither do I. But Yoongi does." He said, flashing a black card with Yoongi's name on it. "So--do you want to go shopping with your future husband's money?"

"F-Future h-hus--?" I sputtered in shock. "H-He--no!" I covered my face in embarrassment, letting out a soft whine of distress.

"Oh? You don't want to marry Yoongi?"

"Th-That's..." I curled up in my seat shyly. "I-I don't...know...I mean, I l-love him, but...I don't..think we're ready for something like that." I mumbled. "N-Not that if he, uh--you know,'t say no...i-if...he wanted to..."

"Really? I'm sure he would love to hear that." Seokjin responded with a mischievous chuckle.

"Huh?" I looked up a bit nervously, to find Seokjin with a smirk and his phone up, recording me. I tensed, staring with wide eyes as he looked down at his phone for a few seconds, before showing me his screen.

I gasped when I saw that he'd sent that video to Yoongi in their joint group chat. I quickly reached for his phone to delete it, but he held it out of my reach.

"Nope! I think Yoongi deserves to hear what his mate has to say. And besides, why should he miss out on you looking so cute?"

I whined and complained, but he wouldn't delete it. Eventually, the teacher came in and started class.

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