Chapter 46

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Spent a shit ton of diamonds on that shit^^ I don't regret it and am considering getting some paid ones.

Even if the concept of 'free' and 'paid' diamonds is just a fucking dick move.

FYI, learned the hard way that subscription diamonds don't count as paid 🥲

I ruptured my eardrum like an idiot and I don't even know how I did it 😃

How has your day been?

I'm hungry, so I'm gonna run to the store and get the stuff to make hamburger helper soon. Slap a red pepper in that bitch and it'll be perfect 😘

Also, I know these chapters lately are on the shorter side, but the spiel is almost over soon.

And no, I won't be double updating because of it. I want you to feel the suspense of not knowing what shit I'm gonna do to you next 🤡 sksksk


"How do you feel?"

"I think I should be asking you that instead." Seokjin scoffed. "I'm fine. We're in between my heat spiels, so I called to check up on you. Did you take your medicine?"

"Yeah." I mumbled. "It's helped the pain, but I still feel like shit."

"Has your fever gone down any?"

"No. The only difference is the pain."

"Dammit." He hissed softly. I saw Namjoon moving behind him, reaching for the phone as Seokjin grunted.

"We gotta go." Namjoon mumbled. "His heats picking up again."

"Oh...okay. I'm sorry, by the way." I mumbled.

"It's fine. Try to rest. Bye." Namjoon mumbled, before he ended the call. I sighed, curling up in bed again and trying to rest like he told me to, but it was hard since my body felt like it was on fire. The dry heat was in full effect now and the only thing keeping me from having a full body meltdown was the medicine the doctor had prescribed. And I had lied to Seokjin--I could still feel some prickling pain in my body even with the painkillers. And it made me afraid of what I'll feel like when the medicine fades away.

If I fall asleep, I'm only going to wake up in excruciating pain.

I closed my eyes anyway, though. But not even a minute later, my phone dinged.

Hoseok: Jimin?

Hoseok: What's your address? Namjoon asked me to bring you something to eat.

I was about to start typing, but before I could get far, I saw Yoongi's little icon come up that he was typing.

Yoongi: Stay away from him.

Hoseok: ???

Hoseok: He's sick and he needs to eat.

Hoseok: And since you won't take care of him, we are.

Hoseok: Jimin, are you there?

Jimin: **** ***** ***.

Hoseok: Okay.

Hoseok: I'm gonna bring you some food.

Hoseok: I'll leave it on your doorstep, okay?

Jimin: Thank you.

Hoseok: No problem, just give me about twenty minutes.

Hoseok: Do you need anything else while I'm out?

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