Chapter 22

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Here's y'all a longer chapter lol. 2000 words ^^


Dinner with my mom actually didn't go too bad. Yoongi and her clicked surprisingly well once Yoongi got over her brash personality that liked to beg for grandkids, and soon they were comfortably talking back and forth throughout dinner while I proudly smiled occasionally each time it hit me what a good catch Yoongi was.

Fuck, I'm so lucky to have him.

"So you promise that you'll protect my baby while I can't?"

"Yes ma'am."

"You'll treat him kind and love him?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Will you get him pregnant by the end of the month?"


"Mama, stop harassing my boyfriend." I scolded her in a little pout. "I'm not ready to go that far yet..."

"I'll be dead and gone before you're ready!"

I stuck my tongue out at her with a little blush, before I sent Yoongi a shy smile. "Come on. Let's go up to my room."

Before he could say anything, I took his hand and led him away from the dinner table before my mom could snap at us to keep it down while we get down to business.

Just what is she expecting from us?

"Your mom..." Yoongi slowly started to mumble. "She's, uh...something."

"I know. You get used to it after a while."

Despite what I'd thought from earlier, the moment that Yoongi and I were on my bed, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I threw my leg over his hips the moment he did, and cuddled close to him. Though cuddling didn't seem to be what Yoongi was going for.

I let out a little gasp whenever he grabbed my ass and pulled my hips even closer, letting our crotches touch and lightly brush together. Not knowing what to do, I let him continue with the little grinding motions as he gently groped my ass.

"Y-Yoongi..." I called quietly with a little blush, looking up at the alpha incredulously.

"I just want to feel my baby." He mumbled in my ear, leaning a bit closer and kissing a sensitive spot of my neck. I moaned quietly, reaching up to grab fistfuls of his shirt as he slowly rolled himself over on top of me. I wrapped my legs around his hips, inviting him in a bit shyly with my actions. I let him kiss me, first on my lips, then on my ear, jaw and once again my neck. He held me by my waist with one hand while the other traveled to one of my thighs, groping it lightly as he rolled his hips over mine. I gulped, feeling my body reacting to his despite feeling a little nervous. I knew he could smell my nerves, too. The alpha quietly crooned in my ear to calm my nerves.

"You're okay, baby." He mumbled in my ear, gently kissing my cheek before he looked me in my eyes.

I blushed, looking away a bit embarrassed. I knew he could sense every single thing I felt in this moment. My nerves, my fear, my...arousal. Each one made my heart beat for a different purpose. All of which though, revolved around wanting him to be happy.

Will sex make him happy?

"I know you aren't ready for everything baby." He mumbled in my ear. "But...can I at least touch you? I won't go all the way. Can I have that?"

Am I ready for that? For him to see me like that?

I don't know. But I guess there's only one way to find out.

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