Chapter 5

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He's so cool...

After school, I ended up gawking at Yoongi for the entirety of his practice. Watching how quickly and nimbly he moved across the basketball court with the ball.

He's so...


From my high spot in the bleachers, I could see everything. How well he worked with his teammates, the sheer power of his jumps as he dunked the ball, and the speed of his movements as he ran across the court.

Of course, I could also see how much sweat he was dripping.

Holy fuck...

He's so--

Fucking sexy.

I crossed my legs, hoping that none of my omega hormones were noticeable by any of the alphas down on the court. Which, all of them were alphas. The only person in the gym that wasn't an alpha, was the other omega sitting on the other side of the bleachers, presumably waiting for the practice to be done too.

I'm guessing one of the alphas on the court is his mate...?

It didn't feel like it took very long for his practice to be over, despite him saying it would be an hour. Before he knew it, a freshly showered Yoongi was walking through the bleachers to get to me, running his fingers through his slightly damp hair as he smiled at me.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded nervously, trying to ignore the alpha's sex appeal.

If I didn't know any better, I would think he's being so damn sexy on purpose.

Yoongi led me out of the gym to his car, a surprisingly nice little sports car that probably costed a small fortune.

"Perks of having wealthy parents." He said simply whenever he saw my shocked expression.

"Y-Your parents gave you this?" I asked incredulously.

"Like I said, wealthy parents. It's a big reason why basketball is so big in my life, too. Got to get a good scholarship to keep the luxury, so..." He shrugged as he clicked the button on his keys to unlock the doors.

"Oh..." I mumbled.

Another reason for him to be way out of my league, I see.

All I do is dance. And I'm not even good enough to get a scholarship for it, especially not to make it a career.


I sighed a little.

Whenever I got into the passenger's seat of Yoongi's car, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it had heated seats that Yoongi turned on. I blushed whenever I accidentally purred at the first sign of heat, making Yoongi chuckle.

"Feels great, doesn't it?" The alpha teased.

"Y-Yes..." I mumbled, a bit embarrassed that I purred in front of him.

The drive to the piercing parlor was surprisingly short. In a matter of five minutes, we were there. I was very ready to get out of the car and it's suppressive atmosphere, since Yoongi only seemed interested in listening to the music on the radio, and I had nothing to say--

Not that I was brave enough to start a conversation anyway.

Whenever we walked inside, Yoongi went straight up to the front desk like he owned the place, while I nervously followed behind him. I was a little zoned out, looking around the place and being appalled by the atmosphere as he got the paperwork and told them what he wanted. Next thing I knew, I was sitting next to Yoongi while he was filling out the paperwork.

"Since you're here, why don't you get something done too?" Yoongi suddenly suggested, making me look at him with wide eyes.


He smiled. "I'll pay for whatever you want, if you want. Since you came with me. Wouldn't hurt to get something new. If you don't want a new piercing, you could always get some new jewelry. They have some nice selections over there." He pointed with his pen at a little case filled with jewelry.

"U-Um...I'm good..." I mumbled quietly.

"You sure?" He asked, a little smile on his face. "Why not?"

"I-I don't want to know..." I averted my gaze. "D-Do you even know my name?"

He rose an eyebrow at me. "Of course I know your name. It's Park Jimin." He frowned at me. "Did you think I had no idea who you were?"

I was nervous and surprised. "W-Well..." I blushed. "I-I wasn't sure..."

He gave me a smile. "Yeah. I know who you are, pup. We've been in the same class for all of high school, you know. Of course I know your name. I also know you're hella smart, and--" He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "Hella my type, too."

I gasped quietly whenever he said that. I looked up at him with wide eyes, to find a mischievous smile on his face. He winked at me, before he went back to his paperwork.

He just--

I gulped, before I stood up and went to the front desk and asked for some paperwork and a piercing too.

Whenever I sat back down next to him, he smirked at me.

"Glad to see you took my offer."

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