Chapter 32

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That step was probably the most nerveracking step of my life.

I wasn't sure how love worked. The concept fucking terrified me, because I'd heard all the talk about how relationships with 'love' never ended well. I was unconfident and I made me doubt us. But seeing the happy look on Yoongi's face as we cuddled in my bed after school home alone made my heart fluttered as he seemed to be celebrating to himself the fact that he had told me that I was his fated mate--which was what I was most in denial about.

I don't really believe him.

I don't know how I can until my birthday comes and my own nose can confirm it.

Cause...I'd also heard stories of people lying before their 'mates' turned eighteen so that they could trick them into a relationship. Of course it was always temporary the trickery, but it still made me nervous.

Though...Yoongi made me happy even before. There was no reason for him to lie to me...

Unless he was afraid I would choose my real fated mate over him if I changed my mind later on.


That wouldn't change anything?

Yoongi crooned in my ear as he left me to my pondering, knowing something was on my mind, but too happy and content to ask about it. He held me on his chest as we laid back against the headboard, happy with just each other's presences.

But I'm still so confused.

Yoongi loves me.

But how do I show him that I love him too?

I don't know how to say the words. They would be so easy to form and come out for anyone else if I truly felt it, but...

Why is it so hard with Yoongi?

I do love him...right?

I shifted my head on Yoongi's chest to listen to his heartbeat, wondering how it sounded.

How does it feel to love someone?

I was a little confused when I heard just how face Yoongi's heart was going. I placed my hand on my own heart, feeling that it was racing too. But why was the confident Yoongi's going so fast too?

"Are you embarrassed?" I blurted out.

Yoongi opened his eyes to look at me, confused.

"No?" He responded. "Why?"

"U-Um..." I averted my gaze. "J-Just...cause, um...your..heart rate...i-it's..really fast, s-so..."

"Hm?" He began to rub his hand back and forth on my back soothingly. "It's 'cause I get to hold my baby." He mumbled with a smile, resting his hand around my waist and craning his neck forward to kiss my forehead.

I blushed and hid my face, burying it in his chest to hide my smile. He chuckled softly at my shyness, going back to crooning as I internally struggled.

He's enjoying this.

I sat up from his chest, sitting back on his hips and glaring at him with a pout. He looked confused at my sudden movement and gave me a smile.

"What's wrong baby?"

My eyebrow ticked a little, before I shifted my hips off of his waist and onto his thighs, grabbing the waistband of his sweats aggressively.

"Take off your pants!" I hissed, yanking them down.

He grunted in surprise and obediently lifted up his hips so I could pull them off of him. He looked extremely confused as I then got back into my position with my ear against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It was thumping faster, but after a minute it seemed to slow back down.

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