Chapter 9

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Thank fuck Wattpad always asks for extra information before you publish a new book because I almost accidentally published a later chapter in one of my drafted stories 😅 I dropped my phone on my chest and accidentally hit the publish button while I was trying to scroll and look at an earlier part in one of the chapters when I dropped it 😂


Idk if I'm fast enough to change things before some of you get here. Some of you are fast as fuck 😅 I guess it's a natural trait of armies to be fast as shit. Man, I've only done that once. I got 2 tickets to that tour that got canceled. Fastest my slow ass has ever moved, I tell you--

Has anyone heard any rumors on a tour from BTS this year btw? My gut is telling me they're going to drop something around late February to March...


The next thing I knew, a week had passed and things had relatively gone back to normal. He gave me a compliment every day, followed by a wink, before he would go and compliment everyone else. He hadn't tried to ask me to go with him anywhere again, and he hadn't called or texted me either.

And it was bothering me.

Why isn't he making an effort anymore?

I had a little pout on my face as I observed him starting his rounds, watching inconspicuously as per usual as he slowly made his way to me.

"How do you feel, pup?" He asked as he got to me, indicating my nipples.

"Sensitive." I mumbled with a little frown, staring up at him as he sat down on the empty sliver of space on my desk as he spoke.

"Yeah? So am I." He gave me a little smirk, reaching over to pat me on the head. Then, he got up to go and finish his rounds.

He didn't even compliment me that time.

What's...going on?


Tomorrow came, and I was feeling antsy. I waited for Yoongi to come to class to do his rounds a bit impatiently, and the moment that I saw him, I tried to act normal. I really did, seemed fruitless.

"What's wrong, pup?" Yoongi asked as he got to me, sitting on my desk again and staring down at me curiously.

Feeling prickly and in a bad mood, I softly hissed, "What do you care? We aren't friends or anything. Why bother asking?"

I hadn't meant to ask him such aggressive things, but the words were out before I could stop myself. Yoongi looked surprised whenever I said them, and seemed a bit too shocked to respond right away.

"Uh..." He looked away. "I mean, I guess I thought we were friends at least, but I guess you didn't feel the same." He mumbled, before he got up and walked away without another word after my blunt rejection.




The next day once again, and Yoongi...

He didn't come to class after his practice to do his typical complimenting. At first I wondered if he was sick and didn't come today, but...whenever the bell rang, he showed up to class.

I watched him both worriedly and nervously as he went to his seat without a word to anyone and simply...acted like any other student.

Is it because of me...?

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