Chapter 8

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There are so many AUs that I would like to dabble in and a few different ships (from both BTS and SKZ) I'd like to try and write those AUs about, but it just doesn't feel like there is enough time 🥲

The days are going by so fast 😱

I want to learn to ship things. I'm considering trying to sell some of my duplicate version albums 🤔 I have an extra BTS the best limited C ver., an extra POB butter peach ver., an extra essential BE and an extra dark and wild that I bought yesterday and I want to get rid of them 😕 I don't need the extras. I just want one of each set...


I did regret it.

I wasn't so out of it from the pain to see the giant ass bill that Yoongi owed the woman for the job. He didn't flinch at it, but my introverted ass automatically felt indebted to him.

I shouldn't have taken his offer--

"Ready to go, pup?" Yoongi asked, looking over his shoulder at me whenever he was finished paying.

I gave him a little nod, blushing whenever he took my hand and led me out of the parlor.

"How do you feel, pup?" He asked as he led me to his car.

"I'm fine..."  I mumbled, shivering a little whenever I felt the cold air making my nipples extremely sensitive. Yoongi seemed to shudder a little too.

Can't imagine how he feels.

Whenever we got in the car, Yoongi shifted uncomfortably as he started the car. Before he could put it in reverse though, his phone buzzed. He frowned and grabbed his phone, picking it up to check whatever it was.

"Do you want to go home now, pup?" He asked, glancing over at me.

"Um..." I gave him a confused look.

"My friends want to meet up. Why don't you tag along and meet them? They're all cool, and it wouldn't hurt to expand your circle a bit."

"Um..." I nervously averted my gaze. "I don't--"

"You're coming." He said simply.

I furrowed my brows, looking at him in confusion, but I didn't tell the alpha no. I awkwardly sat back in my seat and waited for what would probably be the most nerve racking experience of my life.

A few minutes later, we arrived at a small coffee shop. Yoongi practically dragged me inside whenever I hesitated and tried to stay in the car, and he made me go inside.

"Over here!" A loud voice called whenever we went inside. Some employees sent the loud voice warning glares, while Yoongi and I both looked over.

"Hey." Yoongi smiled as he held me by my waist and pulled me over with him.

"Who's the omega?" One of his friends asked, Hoseok I think it was.

"New friend." Yoongi mumbled, sitting down in the empty sliver of space in the booth and pulling me down next to him. I tensed up whenever he made me sit on his leg and straddle him since there wasn't enough room for me to sit otherwise.

"Yoongi, you're making him nervous." The only other omega here scolded softly. He was also the omega that had been waiting in the gym too earlier.

"He's fine." Yoongi said, wrapping his arm around my waist to hold me while he glanced over a little menu that one of his friends passed over.

I'm really not fine--

The omega didn't look happy, but none of the alphas seemed to care.

"Order whatever you want, pup." Yoongi whispered in my ear. "I'll buy."

I shook my head, silently declining his offer.

"You sure, pup?"

I nodded slightly, curling into myself a little as I tried to calm my nerves. I knew everyone at the table could probably smell my scent as it soured more and more.

They know I don't want to be here. Yoongi knows I don't want to be here.

So why is he making me stay?


Eventually, my scent had gotten so sour that none of the others could stand the scent. All of them were visibly getting nauseous, and honestly, so was I. Yoongi excused us and took me out, remaining silent as he led me out of the coffee shop and drove me home with my softly mumbled directions.

"I'm sorry..." I said softly, feeling more stressed whenever I could see that he was visibly unhappy as he walked me to my porch since it was getting a bit dark now.

"It's fine, pup. It isn't your fault if you're uncomfortable."

"B-But..." I clutched the rim of my shirt nervously and stared down at the ground. "Y-You look so...mad..."

He frowned at me. "I'm not mad at you, pup." He pat me on the head encouragingly, giving me a small smile. "Just...a little at myself. I didn't mean to stress you out so much, pup. Can you forgive me?"

He held out his arms like he wanted a hug. I gulped, staring up at him with a little blush and stepping forward slowly to let him wrap his arms around me. He pulled me into a tight, warm hug, rubbing my hand gently as he tried to comfort me a little.

Slowly, my sour scent started to fade and was soon replaced by my naturally sweet omega scent.

"There you go, pup." He mumbled encouragingly in my ear.


He's so...close.

I gulped, slowly wrapping my arms around him too and letting his scent cover me and engulf my senses, thoroughly enjoying being able to bask in his strong alpha scent.

He smells so good...

Next thing I knew though, I heard a soft, low chuckle in my ear.

"You good, pup?"

It was then that I realized my scent had gotten a little too sweet. And...smelled...erotic. I let out a little gasp and blushed, quickly trying to lie my way out of my scent smelling aroused.

"I-I'm s-so sorry! I-It isn't l-like th-that--!" I sputtered with wide eyes, trying to get away from him. But he held me tighter and laughed softly in my ear.

"It isn't?" He teased. "Damn. I was getting excited." He mumbled, flirting once again as he held me against him.

"Y-You--!" My lip quivered as I tried to rack my brain for something else to say. "W-Why are you s-saying things like th-that?"

He gave me a little smile before he finally let go of me, letting me back away a few steps.

"Because I know it makes your heart flutter."

I stared up at him with wide eyes whenever he said that. But all he did was give me an innocent smile before he turned and walked back to his car, leaving me alone with that information.

Oh god...

Does he know...about my crush on him?

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