Chapter 30

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Thank you for 2k on March 28th~♡

Yeah, I held out on my bullshit last chapter so it didn't ruin the mood 🤡 but I'm back and firing full power~

Anyway, there isn't really anything interesting happening right now for me to rant about...

So I guess I'll just post a sexy picture and be done with it~~^^^

Just kidding~~

I wish I could speak a second language 😕 I only speak English. It'd be cool if I could speak something else. Bruh I would learn a second language just so I could read the literature of that language. There's this one BTS ff I wanna read so bad but it's only in Spanish. And my Spanish fucking sucks. Makes me wish I paid attention for the rest of my school years, cause I was an amazing Spanish student when I was learning in school. But I moved to home school and started procrastinating. On my other classes that was fine because I'm a naturally smart bitch, but I couldn't do that with another language. And even when I started wanting to learn it, it was too late because they were so far in. But seriously, I would learn Spanish just to read that book. 😭 I'm jealous of you multi/bilinguals that can read multiple languages. I know some of you can and I hate that I can't. But I can't seem to pick up any languages 😭

Anyway, enough whining. This note is probably actually longer than the chapter 🤡


After a good morning kiss, Yoongi had to go for his early morning practice. He woke me up with his lips on mine, with what really seemed like no intentions of removing them. But after I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back for a few seconds, he smiled and mumbled that he had to go. And once he was gone, I had promptly fell back asleep until my alarm's rude awakening not long later.

Now, I sat at my desk before the first bell, trying in vain to stay awake.


Why is school so early?

I had almost fallen asleep sitting up when I heard someone take a seat beside me. Assuming it was Yoongi, I waited a bit impatiently with my eyes closed for him to give me my greeting kiss. But after a few seconds of no kiss, I opened my eyes with the intention of demanding it, but found it wasn't Yoongi sitting in the chair, but Seokjin.

This...won't be good, will it?

"Good morning." He said with a smile, resting his cheek in his palm.

"G-Good morning..." I mumbled back.

"I see Yoongi hasn't bitten you."

Oh god...

"N-No..." I said with a sheepish smile. "We, um...aren' that point in our relationship yet..."

"No? Is your relationship built on sticks and stones then? Namjoonie bit me the first time he mated me."

"W-We haven't mated..."

"Oh? Do you still have your cherry?"

I blushed, not sure if I was embarrassed more by his bluntness or the fact that the answer was a yes.

"U-Um...w-well, I've..never been in a r-relationship before Y-Yoongi, so...y-yes..."

"Really? You're so pretty though."

"Th-Thank you, but..that doesn't mean I automatically have experience..."

"I would assume the alphas would be jumping at the chance to mate you. You're so submissive and pretty. I'm sure alphas would love to breed such a good omega."


"Mm. Which makes me wonder, why are you so willing to settle for the first alpha you get with? Why not sleep around and check out a few dicks and knots before you settle with Yoongi's prior to testing it out?"



"Though I guess that would be cheating, huh? Can't do that. Yoongi is the jealous type."

I know.

He smirked at my lack of response before he laid back sideways in his seat. "So, how do you feel, being with Yoongi?"

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Um...feel?"

"You love him, don't you?"

I blushed and averted my gaze immediately. ", y-yes, I..d-do..."

"How do you know he loves you? How do you know he's faithful? Yoongi is quite the playboy. You never know if he could be cheating on you. He has a lot of quick fuck contacts, and since he isn't getting that from you, then who's to say that he's not getting it from elsewhere?"


Seokjin smiled when I didn't response. Instead, my gaze fell and I stared down at the floor with a dejected feeling sinking my heart.

Surely he wouldn't cheat on me...right?

Though what reason do I have to believe Seokjin? I don't even know him. And why is he shitting all over one of his friends in the first place?

Seokjin pat me on the head before he stood up. "Just something to think about, puppy." He said with a smile before he turned and walked away from me, just as Yoongi walked into the classroom. He sent Seokjin a suspicious glare as they passed each other, before he set his sights on me and came to me with a smile.

"You look so tired, baby. Did you not get enough sleep? Should we go to bed earlier from now on?" He asked as he sat in the spot Seokjin had vacated.

It was a little hard to look at him now after what Seokjin had said, but I forced a smile for him and shook my head. "N-No, I'm just not really a morning person. I'm okay."

"Alright." He mumbled, standing up to come closer and kiss my forehead before he sat back down. "Also...did Seokjin come and bother you again?"

"We talked a little."

"About what?"

I averted my gaze. "Um..."

He sighed at my hesitance. "I just want to know because, well...Seokjin likes to cause a bit of trouble sometimes. So he's hard to trust with you. He's not a bad person, he just...finds amusement in doing good things in bad ways. I don't know. I'm pretty sure he's up to something and I haven't figured out just what yet."


He didn't seem too happy about my short responses, but he didn't ask about them either. Meanwhile, I was trying hard not to think about the possibility of him cheating on me.

I'm not just a side chick to I?

I really hope not...

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