42: A Promise Her Father Made For Her

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Hakiro ; you're... What ?

Yuko ; that's great news !! She's pregnant. Hakiro. How about you come back and stay here ?

Hakiro nods " that's a good idea. Being... You know... You. "

Mari : ya... I know. But... I don't want to disturb your family...

Hakiro ; really ?

Yuko nudges him " ignore him. You need to come back. You need someone to take care of you. Ok? No more missions."

Mari ; eh...

Hakiro ; exactly. Like she'll listen.

Yuko ; enough !

Mari ; hakiro ... Before I was born... Did my mama have to go to a Houin's house to stay too ?

Hakiro ;  Yes. Ours. Didn't have to be our house. Could be any sealer's place. Ours just got chosen.

Mari : I see. Then... Why was I sent to your family  ? When I was a kid, after my parents died. Was it because of me ? That's why they died?

Hakiro ; Mari... You never asked these things. I thought you never wondered.

Mari ;... Didn't know if I should ask. Don't know if you even have the answers. And... I like this family.

Hakiro: you still are. Especially even more after you married that brat. You're a Houin now.

Mari ; arigatou...

Hakiro took in a deep breath " your parents died on a mission.  Not because of you. Your father... Was weak considering he's a nui. But despite that... The curse that killed him was very strong. "

Mari : I see.

Hakiro ; as for why here. Your father chose us. He and my father were good friends.  He made my father promise to take care of you. Nuis always get into some sort of trouble. Your kind of people... Not many left.


Mari's father, a young lad had came to their door. Hakiro remembered it just like yesterday. Mari's father, ririro's grandad, Takemoto , seemed like you very average person. You wouldn't be able to tell if he was a jujutsu user even if you were one. He just seemed to normal.

Hakiro: Takemoto? What are you doing here?

Takemoto: looking for your father.

Hakiro: my old man? Here to bring him those rice crackers you make again? I swear, only you have the patience to climb the hill to come here, to play chess , and , bring crackers for him.

Takemoto laughed " we're friends. He always gives way to me when playing chess"

Hakiro: and only you will keeping coming even though you lose every time. Old man !! Takemoto is here !!!




" you are off your game today. Takemoto. Maybe we shouldn't play. " the old man, Hajiro spoke.

Takemoto: ..... it's about mari.

Hajiro: her? She will be fine. Stronger than you. You've seen how many came that night on her birth.

Takemoto: I know. That's why I am worried.

Hajiro: Huh? Your kind of people always train to protect yourselves. What is there to be worried about ?

Takemoto: I know about my people. We... are always used as last resort against the curses. Mari will be able to eat more than me. 

Hajiro bites the rice crackers " Your kind cannot escape the destiny made for you. Unless, someone stronger than you was created to solve the problem."

Takemoto: I know.

Hajiro: its that bad? They made you do it ?

Takemoto sighed " no choice. Reiko (his wife) would tell me to run if she was still alive." His wife had passed after giving birth to Mari.

Hajiro: I will keep your grave in my backyard if that's what you want. Someone to offer you incense.

Takemoto laughed " That's nice. Treating me as family."

Hajiro: don't be nonsense. You are like my other son.

Takemoto: then do this for me. Take Mari in.

Hajiro: .... I will tell your little girl you were an idiot who always lost chess to me.

Takemoto smiled  " that's a good story for her I think."




Hajiro: Hakiro, After tonight, go and pick mari up.

hakiro: huh? Why father.

Hajiro: She will be your new sister from now on.

Hakiro: ... She's so young she can be my daughter.

Hajiro: don't be stupid. Are you asking your wife to just take in some other people's kid as her own?

Yuko walked out " I don't mind. This means takemoto... He is going to do that right?"

Hajiro nods. " No, take her in as your sister. You are to teach her how to be a jujutsu user. She has no choice. That's why. She cannot be your child. Banri can choose something else."

Hakiro: wait. Choose something else ?

Hajiro sighs " ... It's ok if he chooses this. Your son. But if not... Jujustu user... It's a curse itself. I don't like to see people die either."

End of flashback ~

Mari ; did anyone kill that curse in the end ?

Hakiro : yes. Yuko and I made sure.

Yuko : he was really strong. It was previously hurt by your father. We finished it.

Mari : I see...

Hakiro : mari. Don't worry. 

Yuko: We'll protect your baby. Ok ?

Mari : um.

Hakiro: not our first time either.

Yuko: Hakiro !!

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