Chapter 19

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We get to a coffee shop and Jamie leads me inside. There are a few paparazzi since they all know that Jamie would be filming out here. They probably came for coffee or a break.

Jamie places his hand on my lower waist and leads me to the front. Jamie orders my usual and the cashier widens her eyes as she finally recognizes Jamie. "May I have a picture?" She asks eager. Jamie looks at me and I nod. He smiles at her and nods. She grabs her phone out and hands me it quickly before running astound the counter and running to Jamie's side.

I quickly snap the picture and hand it to her. Soon everyone recognizes Jamie and asks him for pictures and autographs.

Jake steps in and tells everyone to leaves us alone. Luckily everyone walks away and we swiftly grab our drinks and walk out.

We find a park bench and sit down and drink our coffee.

"So how was work?" Jamie asks turning to me. "Fine, how was filming?" I ask. "Surprising good." Jamie says laughing. I smile and stare at him.

"What?" Jamie asks getting worried. "Nothing, I was just starring." I say and blush. Jamie chuckles and looks at the nature surrounding us. "Come." Jamie says and stands up. He holds out his hand for me to grab and of course I take it.

We walk on the cement path together with our hand intertwine. "My parents are coming down tomorrow." Jamie says. "They want to have dinner with us." Jamie says. "My sister love you, my dad does too. Now my step mom can be a bit you know." Jamie says frowning.

"Hateful, overly protective, difficult?" I ask. "Yes." Jamie says. I nod and shrug. "She dislikes me Jamie." I say and shrug. I laugh at what I just said and Jamie frowns. "She doesn't dislike you." Jamie says. "Jamie, she hates me." I say and stop walking to look and him.

"People will hate people in life here and there but you can't let that get to you. If you love yourself that's all you need." I say.

"I love you." Jamie says pointing out that he loves me not just myself. I flush and look down. I probably look like spring came around and I'm the garden the roses are on. Jamie tilts my chin up to look at him and leans down to kiss me. "Don't overthink." Jamie says. I nod and we continue to walk.

"So are you going to the Duff premiere?" Jamie asks. "Well I have no choice." I say and chuckle. "True." Jamie says and looks down awkwardly.

I smiles and notice how he is bouncing from his heel to toes rocking back and forth. "Would you like to go?" I ask. "I'm so thankful you asked me that was awkward." Jamie says relief. I smile and shake my head. "You could of asked." I say laughing. Jamie smiles and we walk back to the car.

We go back to the studio and Jamie continues and I sit in watch taking note that I don't have to go back to work. After every cut I catch Jamie looking out the corner of his eyes to look at me when the director is talking to him for the next scene. I glare at him telling him he should pay attention but he just slowly smiles.

I walk around the studio giving myself a tour with Jake following me making sure I don't get myself lost. I walk into the dressing rooms and find myself in Jamie's. I smile to myself and look at all the suits and ties hanging waiting to be worn.

There's millions of them on a rack, different colors and patterns. I touch the fabric and it's smooth and soft. I sit down in the makeup and hair chair and pull out my iPhone. I go through my messages and emails, but don't reply to any.

I place my phone down and look in the mirror. Damn, I look horrible. My hair is not longer staying in it's bun, lose strands are everywhere. My red lipstick is fading due to Jamie kissing me probably. My mascara makes me look like I've been crying. I pull out my makeup bag and pull out my wipes to hope that it will clean up some but fail and make it worst.

I groan in frustration and just take it all off. I apply some mascara and lipstick to hope it will make it better and it does.

I toss the wipes into the trash can on the side. The door clicks open and Jamie walks in. He undoes his tie and smiles at me. He leans down to kiss me and I smile in the kiss. "One more scene and we can go." Jamie says and goes through the racks of suits. He pulls on off the rack and quickly puts it on then runs his hand swiftly through his hair.

He kisses me before walking out the door and closing it shut. Someone knocks on the door and tell them to come in. Jake walks through the door and smiles. "Miss. Carmen, Sofia called and asked if you would like her to cook dinner." Jake says. "Um yes please." I say. He nods and walks out the door.

I look back in the mirror and frown. I now am growing grey hairs, well what did I expect? I'm getting old each day. I put my makeup in my purse and close it shut.

A little later Jamie walks in and changes into a white shirt, jeans, and vans. He smiles at me and grabs my purse off the table then grabs my hand.

"So Sofia is cooking tonight so we don't have to eat out." I say as we walk to the car. Paparazzi come out of nowhere and fans more like elder people who read Fifty Shades Of Grey come out and yell Jamie's name over and over.

"Go ahead and take pictures with them." I say. Jamie gives me a sorry look and gives me a kiss before walking to the group of fans and starts to sign posters or random receipts they kept in their purses. They all throw their phones at me to take pictures and I quickly take them.

More fans come and paparazzi now found us, but even more. Flashes hurt my eyes all over the places. I cover my eyes and I walk to the car where Jake is in the front seat ready to drive off but I lose Jamie in the crowd and groan.

I quickly get in to get my sight back then grab my jacket and use it as a shield to find Jamie.

Jamie is pushing through the crowd calling my name. Paparazzi are screaming questions at Jamie and I which makes it harder to find Jamie. I finally reach Jamie and he quickly finds my hand and pushes me against his chest so I can rest my eyes as we walk to the car.

We hurry in the car and Jake honks to make people move out the way. A fan throws her body onto the window and let's her tits hangout against the window. "Poor car." Jamie whispers. I laugh and cover his eyes and mine. Jamie laughs and places his hand on my thigh.

We get to the house and walk in. Just the girls Dakota, Eloise, and Rita are here and I'm thankful not everyone came. Due to my bitchy moods I have on my period I wouldn't anyone to think I'm mean or anything.

Sofia served us roast, potatoes, and vegetables. Rita cringes as the vegetables hit her plate. I chuckle at her reaction and she hands me her plate so I can eat the vegetables. I laughs and pile them on my plate then pass it back.

"I feel like we're dealing with drugs here." Rita whispers and I smile shaking my head. "You have a greenhouse?" Eloise asks looking at the window to the backyard. "Yes m'am." I say and smile. "Do you use it?" Dakota asks. "I used to when I had time but I don't anymore so it probably looks like shit." I say honestly. "Figured." Dakota says. I laugh and continue to eat.

We finish and Sofia comes around and gathers the cups and plates. "Thank you." I say and she smiles.

We walk to the tv room and Dakota turns the tv on. "Omg The Vow!" Rita says making Dakota stop. "Hurry put it on!" Eloise says. Dakota laughs and puts it on.

Jamie joins us after he finishes taking a shower. I pat the spot next to me and he smiles, taking the seat.

I lean against his chest and Jamie starts to play with my hair. "So any plans next week?" Jamie asks. "Ya I have a meeting with the Los Angeles Kings to talk about their official story about wining the Stanley Cup. Then I have dinner with five of them." I say. "if you want your gladly to join us, I know Rita is joining me." I add. "Okay I'll think about it." Jamie says. I roll my eyes knowing he's gonna give in anyways. "I might have to film that's why." Jamie says. Ohh, never mind. I smile and shrug. "It's okay." I say.

"Plus they all have wife's except one." I say and wink. Jamie glares at me but smiles. "I trust you." Jamie says. "Would you guys shush!" Rita says throwing a couch pillow at us then pointing to the tv screen.

I pretend to zip up my lips and toss her the key then do the same to Jamie and she rolls her eyes. I smile and fall into deep sleep against Jamie's chest.

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