Chapter 37

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I woke up in my hotel room with my arms securely wrapped around Alex's waist. "Alex wake up you gotta go to your room we have a photo shoot today!"
"Right, see you there!" He jumps off of the couch and runs out of my room. I sit there for a while just sitting trying to wake up completely. I stand up and realize I have a pounding head ache. I start to walk toward my sink area but then there's a knock at my door. I answer it to see Sean standing there with a bag presumably full of bagels. "Hey kitty cat! I brought breakfast, gluten free organic bagels!"
"Hey seanie! Thank you" I peck his lips and then it hits me. I run into the bathroom hang over the toilet and puke. Sean rushes in holding my hair back as I puke into the toilet. "Not the reaction a guy wants to get after a kiss!" He laughs
"Wow you were wasted last night!"
"You didn't invite me!"
"Hope you didn't do anything you'd regret!"
"Nope! I was just out with a friend!"
"One of your co stars?"
"Actually yes!"
"Well glad you didn't go crazy! I love you!"
"I love y...." I puke again, Sean holding my hair back again. Once I finish that I took a shower and came out in a towel. "Woah I'll turn around!"
"Chill Sean it's not that big of a deal!" I keep the towel on but put on my underwear and bra. I then drop the towel.
"Damn baby!" He says
"Hey don't get any ideas!"
"I mean how did I get a woman who was so damn sexy!"
He walks over to where I am standing and rests his chin on my shoulder.
"I don't know how did you?"
"I don't deserve you!"
He kisses me jawline repeatedly.
"You deserve me just as much as I deserve you!" He kisses me jaw then my neck, but backs off when he sees the hickey that Alex gave me the other day!"
"Now I have to get ready so just wait for me." I rush around putting on yoga pants, a t shirt, and a head band. I brush my teeth, wash my face. I put my hair in a ponytail and grab my stuff. "Sean let's go!" I yell as he rushes to my side I intertwine our fingers as we walk out of the door. We get into the car as I eat my bagel. He is driving. "Okay so what are you doing today?" He asks
"I have a two hour long photo shoot which is where we are headed and then I am free the rest of the day. We wrap up shooting in two weeks or so and then it's all us!"
"That sounds like a plan. I wanna take you out to do something fun!"
"So after the shoot then I'll take you!"
"Ooh fun!"
We drive into the area and get out of the car. Who else is walking up than Alexander Ludwig. I hug him. "Hey you big sponge!" I say to him
"Why sponge?"
"Because you soak the energy out every room!"
Wow I'm hurt!"
"I'm only kidding!"
"I know! But seriously Ariana thank you for last night. Everything you said, for just being there! Thank you!"
"Anytime sponge! Now meet my boyfriend Sean!"
I gesture to Sean. "And Sean this is Alexander but we call him Alex!"
"Nice to meet you!" They shake hands and get to talking and I walk inside to see Scooter talking with everyone. "Scooter!" I yell with extremely large arm gestures.
"Ariana!" He attempts to mimic me. "Is Sean here?"
"Yeah he's out there talking with Alex!"
"Ok cool! You go get ready hair, makeup, wardrobe, and whatever!"
"Ok!" I say and gallop my way to the dressing room. My makeup artist does my makeup at the same time my hair stylist is doing my hair, my stylist is showing me my outfit and if that wasn't enough there's also Tyler running lines with me in here shirtless making my brain go numb. Cause let's just say his body ain't too ugly. "Ariana focus!"
"Yeah..uhm....clothes off now!"
"Woah chill let's just take a minute and think about what we're doing!"
"No more thinking take off your clothes and do me!"
"Ariana you need more power like that line is supposed to be angry but still seductive."
" more thinking take off your clothes and do me!"
"Tyler is that seriously how you're going to say that when a girl pulls off her shirt!"
"Better!" Sean walked in and behind him came a man with a headset. Sean looked over to Tyler then to me and I could tell exactly what he was thinking. He looked to me again and I waved the script in the air. "ok Ariana focus!"
"Ok go!"
"What about your parents they're right downstairs!"
"And so what you started something that you have to finish!"
"Ok let's do this!"
"Alright good now let's skip to after the sex scene he says. We flip over one, two, three pages and then begin again. Sean's jaw dropped at how many pages we skipped. "Ok so that was amazing!"
"Yeah but it can't happen again!"
"Not with your parents right downstairs!"
"Oh shut up and kiss me!"
The man with the headset receives something in his earpiece. "Tyler they need you in your room for your makeup final touches!"
"K!" He walks out and I yawn.
"Hey baby are you tired?"
"Yeah how was I? did it seem forced? Was I too boring?"
"You were good it was just the scene I was shocked at that many pages of a sex scene!"
"Sean we talked about this..."
"I know I know but I just can't help but be jealous!" I get up from my chair and put my hands in his face.
"It means nothing unless it's you!" I peck his lips. "Besides Tyler's kind of an ass!" We laugh at my comment and then the man with the headset says "Ariana their ready for you!" I walk out and just hope that The shoot won't be too much with Sean here and all.

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