Chapter 27: play relationahip fixer and ruiner!

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Don't read this chapter unless you have an interest in the Justin bieber, Selena Gomez, Kendall Jenner love trinagle. it has no importance and only a little bit of relevance to the story! I'm feeling nice today so I am posting 2 more chapters instead of 1! Now you get 3 chapters in one day! Crazy I know!

Once I got there the next to arrive was Justin with Kendall. They sat down. "hey douche"

"Hey bulimic!" He said

"Hahaha!" I said sarcastically

"Hey Ariana!"

"Hey Kendall!"

"so did you call her you jerk!"


"And what did she say, she said that unless I wanted to apologize then to never call her again!"

"Then apologize to her!"

"No she cheated on me first!"

"No she didn't!"

"How would you know? I saw them!"

"God damn it Justin! Selena was cheating on you until she found out Dylan was gay!"


"Yeah she told me not to tell you because she didn't want to hurt you!"

"He's gay?"


"How did you find out?"

"I was dropping by her place after rehearsal one day......"


I saw that they wrre working so i stayed by the door waiting for the right time to knock. They were sitting in her living room on opposite sides working on the script. "This is really coming along Selena you are very talented!"

"Thank you but i think that we should take a break and have some fun!"

"Like what?"

"I dint know maybe like this..." she leaned over to kiss him. Next thing i know she was on top of Dylan leaning and making out with him on her couch. he pulled out and said 'Selena we can't!' She said "why not, because of Justin it doesn't matter, I don't care anymore"

"No, for real we can't!"

"I know he's screwing that whore Kendall so why can't i do you!" She kissed him again reach and pulling off his shirt and he said 'Selena I love you and you are an extremely sexy girl but I can't....."

"Why not I don't care about Justin anymore he doesn't even have the decency to break up with me first!" She leaned in and started kissing him and then kissed his cheek "please help me move on, please?" She was kissing him deeper and pushing him down onto the couch so that he was horizontal. She started reaching for his belt buckle and then he stopped her. "Justin is only part of the problem with this! I just can't!"

"No you can and you will!" She leaned in one last time and then he just says

"but I'm gay!" I was like so surprised. She stood up buttoned up her shirt and got really upset! She was really mad. She said "I hate you! But I just, I can't believe you would hold this from me for this long! I have been trying to get with you for weeks and I thought you were denying me cause you were a gentleman and had respect for me but really you were just lying to me!"

"Selena I love you I just wasn't ready to tell anyone about me and I love you a lot but just not in that way! I never meant to hurt you!"

"Shutup you fag and get out of my house!" She realized I was at the door and as she walked out I stopped her. "Selena what are you doing?" She started crying.

"I know he's cheating on me!"

"Selena it's ok it's ok but this is not the way!"

"He is hurting me, he left me for Kendall! He didn't even leave me! Why can't anyone love me!"

"Selena that is not true! You are beautiful and I am always here babes. Justin as much of a rear end he is, he loves you and he needs to work his life, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Everyman I ever loved, never loved me back, so it's hard to believe that!"

"Don't be a b ok I'm just trying to help!"

"Help? I can't be helped, i am incapable of being loved."

"Shut up! Selena you are not making the same mistake I made. I gave up the love of my life just because he made a mistake. I never even let him explain! The biggest mistake I ever made!"

"Are you talking about Sean!"

"That's why I came here! I think I made a huge mistake, i still love him!"


"Yes and since I gave up on the best thing in my life than you can't give up on yours!"

"Ari you have to tell him!"

"No i don't because although I still love him, we can't be together!" Tears came out of my eyes.

"Thank you Ari!"

"Of course now go back in there and apologize to your new gbf ok!"

"Yeah I think I owe him that!"

⚡️End of Flashback⚡️

"So she still cheated on me!"

"Justin did you not catch the 2 key points of that!"

"Which were?"

"She thought you were cheating on her with Kendall!"

"Which I was!"

"And he's gay!"

"I got that!"

"Ok, you are not ruining your relationship this way, at least breakup to preserve any kind of friendship!"

"Is that what you did?"

"No but that's where the advice comes from!"

"Ok whatever! If you will excuse me I have to make a phone call!" He stood up and left to go outside and call her.

I looked over to Kendall who wore a gloomy, upset face. "You really liked him didn't you?"

"Yeah I don't know but ever since he broke up with Haley it's been a lot more fun to hang out together and I don't know I thought there was something there!" I looked at her sympathetically because I knew how she felt.

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