Chapter 42

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A few days later they were sitting around having dinner.  "So, I'm going to go visit my Aunt and Uncle in London for a week," she said, getting ready for the resistance and a fight from the boys.

They all stopped eating and looked at her. Namjoon was the first to ask carefully, "When do you go?"

"My flight is in a couple of weeks." Ami could see them trying to process what this meant.

Jin carefully added, "You haven't seen them for a long time, it will be really good to catch up with them."  They were all internally freaking out. They didn't like her being 10 minutes away when she lived in her old house, now she was telling them she was going around the world for a week.

"How would you feel if I talked to Mr. Su about some security options for my trip." she finally spoke up,  watching a wave of relief wash over them all. "I think we would all love that. Let's call him up after dinner, and you can start the conversation with him." Namjoon reached over and squeezed her hand with a smile.

After dinner, Mr. Su came upstairs and joined the group.

Ami filled him in, "So, I'm going to London for a week to visit my Aunt and Uncle and see some friends. I leave in two weeks."

"By yourself?" he asked, glancing around the room. He noticed how calm the group was. They had a conversation already he thought to himself.

"Yes. I think everyone here would feel better if there was a security plan in place for my trip. I wanted to see what you thought that might look like." She paused and readjusted in her chair.

"Well, OK. I have some questions first." He took out a book from his pocket and a pen. "Does your family know anything about all of this?" he pointed around the room, "or that you will have security with you?"

"Not unless I need to tell them, but no, not yet." she shook her head. 

"OK, and your schedule will be to travel to London, stay with your aunt and uncle, see some friends, and then come back?" He was jotting things down in his book.

"That's what I have planned anyway."

"The positives are that your identity hasn't been released yet. If or when that happens, it makes planning a little more involved. Not impossible, but more involved." He leaned back in his chair,  "There are a couple of options. We could send a small team with you. They would keep their distance, but just be around if needed."

"You don't think a Korean girl, in London, with a small squad of Korean men following her around won't be a bit obvious?" she smirked at him. There was a chuckle through the group as they imagined what that would look like.

He smiled at her, "So that would lead to option #2. I have some contacts in London for security. We worked with them a couple of years ago when you were on tour there." He looked at the guys, and they all nodded. "We could set something up through them. Having some English blokes follow you around would be less conspicuous." 

She sat back and crossed her arms, thinking.  Then she looked at the guys, "What do you guys think?  What are your concerns?"

Yoongi spoke up, "They will need a place to stay near her, and a way for her to contact them easily if need be." Mr. Su nodded.   Tae jumped in, "they will need to be 24/7 on call, at least two of them at a time."

"There needs to be a backup plan as well," Ami added quietly.

"Ami?" Mr. Su asked, looking at her questioningly. The boys all looked at her, not understanding what she was asking for. Namjoon watched her closely.

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