Chapter 5: Solus ✅

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Just so you know, the chapters with the check marks are the ones  i have edited

"How obnoxiously big." You commented as you walked through the UA gates with Suyuki. "Though shinketsu high was taller."

"Yeah." Mai agreed.

"Did you take the personality alteration pill today?" You asked the white haired girl.

"Yes. I don't feel any different though." Mai pushed back a lock of hair.

"Is your new quirk working?" You pointed to the side of your forehead.

"Yeah. This one won't affect my style, but it's more of a mind based thing." Mai smiled.

"But remember, you're still quirkless. Your new quirk is a bit suspicious, especially since you didn't use it in the exam." You looked up at the nearing UA building. "I really can't get used to you as a bubby girl."

"From now on, we're Y/n L/n and Suyuki Mai, students at UA. Here, take this fake memory implanting pill." You handed Mai a mint green and white pill. "These are from different povs, and it lasts a month. If you need to erase them then the antidote safe's code is 005666."

Mai reached out and took the tiny pill resting in your palm and gulped it down. You took another red pill and chewed on it. Instantly, you 'remembered' 'your' origin. Man, that Echo's a genius. This is the perfect backstory.

"Ready?" You looked at Mai.

"Ready." Mai replied with determination.

~Time skip brought to you by Echo's geniusness~

"If you're here to socialize, get out." a tired voice called. Ah, shota aizawa, eraserhead. Just my luck.

"It took you lot 8 seconds to calm down." He stood up, and you were surprised that he was in a sleeping bag. Doesn't he know that he's completely vulnerable in sleep? "Life is short, kids, you're all lacking in common sense."

The mood in the classroom turned to confusion while you kept a blank face. Life is short? Pfffft. I intend to live forever.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you." He held out some gym clothes. "Put these on and shove off to the PE grounds."

~PE grounds~

"A quirk assessment test?!" The class yelled in unison, you and Mai joined in.

"What about the entrance ceremony? And the guidance counseling?" Uraraka asked.

"We don't have time for that nonsense at UA." Aizawa made a shooing motion with his hand before starting a looooong speech that you could care less about. "L/n, how far could you throw a softball in middle school?"

"Um-" you searched around in your transplanted memories. "54 meters." You answered.

"Try throwing it with your quirk. Anything is allowed as long as you stay in the circle." Aizawa tossed you a softball, which you snatched. You gave it a little toss and sent it flying with your quirk.


"One kilometer." Aizawa held out a device. "Before we do anything else we must know what we're capable of."

"Woah! Looks fun! I wanna try!" A girl with the words 'Mina Ashido, acid, 294203...' floating above her head pumped a fist in the air. Bad move. You smiled internally.

Aizawa's eyes glowed red as his scarf started floating."It looks... fun? You say? How about this... whoever places last in these trials, gets expelled."

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