Chapter 52: Hospital

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Radioactive POV

Radioactive ran a hand through her bangs before reaching to her back for an oversized butcher knife.

At first, Radioactive and Bakugo were walking, with Bakugo in front, so he won't run off, and the next second, a group of assassins were upon them.

"Ey, is that the hostage? Why don't you hand him over?" A man with red and black hair sneered. "Whoever kills her keeps the money!" He yelled. The 4 extras who stood behind him sprang into action. Radioactive ran forwards in front of Bakugo, stance ready.

The first guy reached her first, apparently having another lame ass speed quirk. Radioactive thought she had gotten good at dealing with high speed enemies, but the dude has extremely distracting bright red light flashing on his suit, and she has to constantly refocus.

"SCRAM!" She yelled, directed at Bakugo. Radioactive ducked under a punch, angled her knife at his upper arm, and sliced it clean off. Taking advantage of his shock, she slashed at his torso. A splash of blood confirmed that she had cut deep into his ribcage. He folded like a lawn chair.

"The heck?! She's as strong as Lady Kyozo!" One of them shouted.

Confidant, she reached her hand towards him and set his eyeballs on fire. He screamed in agony, while a woman quickly approached Radioactive.

She slashed out with her knife, but the woman ducked underneath. Radioactive reacted fast, aiming a kick at her jaw. It caught at her throat as the woman's eyes caught her own, and suddenly Radioactive was falling.

She was brought back to reality at the cold press of a knife against her lips, almost shushing her.

Radioactive's wrists were grabbed in a surprisingly strong hand. As she focused she realized the woman was straddling her.

"Your quirk only works with your hands, do they not?" She whispered.

Radioactive sneered. "Nice fucking try, bitch."

The woman collapsed on top of her, coughing up blood.

Radioactive kicked her off, standing up. The two remaining stood fixed in place.

To let them go means they will likely tell someone else, which increases the chance of them putting two and two together. Everyone here has to die. Radioactive flexed her hand.

Quick and painless. She thought, just as the two ran towards her at the same time. Radioactive heard twin sounds of katanas being unsheathed.

Nevermind. She decided. One of them slashed at her, and she parried with her knife. The other one ran past her, and it took Radioactive a second to realize where he was going.

"KILL HIM!" She screamed at Bakugo. An explosion made her almost lose her footing. Katana guy's eyes hardened, speed of his hits getting faster. Radioactive saw an opening and took it, aiming at his side. It was blocked, as though he expected it.

"Shit!" She heard Bakugo yell before another explosion knocked both her and the assassin off their feet.

"WE'RE UNDERGROUND! DON'T AIM AT THE WALLS OR THE WHOLE THING MIGHT COLLAPSE!" The assassin screamed, dashing past Radioactive in a surprising burst of speed.

Radioactive turned quickly, dashing forwards. "Fcker." She swore. Earlier, when they were rapidly approaching her from several different directions, she wasn't able to use a gun, but now, with the guy's back turned...

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