Chapter 25: Demons

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So today at school someone called me a b**** for not letting them copy my assignment. I find it hard to think how people can be mean on a daily basis where does your energy come from

I mean i just keep to myself but still how do you find the energy to be social ppl

Anyways this chapter begins with a different pov!

Aizawa POV

He was tired.

Aizawa wants a nap.

So what happened? The universe threw a big fat no at him and somehow got Midoriya kidnaped. 

The plan was solid. The first step was to lure them onto a small island- small enough for them to  check if an underground base was near or beneath it. There wasn't. Then, a sniper was supposed to finish the job, but that failed. 

Plan B, step 1: some of the greatest heroes would ambush them preferably as soon as the shot was fired. UA students would evacuate immediately.

Meanwhile, heroes all around the globe would simultaneously attack all of the bases that were located. During the chaos, Shinigami's association will collapse, and then they would all be captured. The ones who slip though the cracks would be hunted and rounded up by the end of the year. When they're not in a group, they are nothing.

Well that plan got reduced to shit. It would've even if Midoriya hadn't messed up.

The government's understanding of how the association was organized was fairly simple: Shinigami sits at the top and serves as the base, financially supporting the rest of the pyramid. Next comes the 7 supervillains present as the council, the superhumanly strong warriors that could rival even All Might in power and speed. Their activities are mostly. Below them were trainers, people who devote their time to teach the next generation, and everyone else.

An scouting troop of ten or so heroes went ahead of the attackers during the attack. Their reports proved they were quite advanced. Plants and the like were grown deep underground, and a report states that even deeper under the hideout were the experimentation labs, were dead and dissected animals lay and were studied. 

The scouting teams never made it back. Strange, considering how the fighters were supposed to be concentrated up in the higher levels of the hideout. The ones recognized as trainers were seen herding children and adults away. 

As for Japan, many heroes were taken hostage singlehandedly by someone who looked like a teenage girl. Her characteristic red hair identified her as the String villain from the Uwajima massacre.

The strangest thing was, two days after the fact, the heroes were found, unscathed, hanging upside down from the railings of the Pearl Bridge. Their ankles and hands were tied with a single thin, strong string that left paper thin blisters. They would take months to heal. 

All of this Aizawa heard from various reports in the latest world leaders meeting. Even Japan's report was shocking to him.

As of now, he was in UA, being interrogated by the Shinigami task force officers asking the same questions in different phrasing over and over.

"Now, for the final stretch-"Finally. "Give us your analyzation of YingYang."

"It seems like she has a split personality. Her quirk probably has to do with solidifying shadows and light."

"Elaborate on that."

"She probably moved at the light-speed or semi-light speed, because she arrived 30 seconds after Shinigami contacted. Her split personality is probably caused by her quirk. Yingyang's own quirk is likely something to do with light. Possessed by 'ying', or the shadowy power that manifested."

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