Chapter 32: Secrets

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The interactions with solus/ radioactive interactions are fun to write. solus humor is the best I get carried away sometimes. I think radioactive gives off the correct vibe that is needed but most of this is unbeta'ed so idk. 

BTW the snake mikaela has three different anime references built in. So far theres only two thats shown. Have fun figuring out where they came from.

Also, im using all the bakugo memes i can get ahold of

(Manga readers you know why)

Solus POV


'Exactly! It makes sense, doesn't it?'

"Yes, but if Shinigami doesn't know..."

"She can't find out about this!"

"Radioactive, Shinigami prioritizes people of her clan. I don't think theres anything to be done about this."

"Solus, are you going to tell her?"

"... No."

She continued. "Radioactive. If what you just said is true, then we can't tell Shinigami. She isn't some heroic hypocrite who'll do things out of the goodness of her heart. Everything she does as Shinigami is only done to benefit us and the clan. If you tell her, that is either your best bet or your demise."

'So you're saying....'

"If she chooses to help, then you can count on it. If not, you might be driven out. Like Iceberg."

'Ugh. Fuck this.'

She paused.

"Radioactive, you didn't." Solus hissed in sudden realization.

"... I did."


"Solus, calm the fuck down and think about it. Do you think Shinigami will let it happen if that single act can bring them miles ahead of us? And Iceberg's the only person he wouldn't expect."

She's right. Solus bit her lip. "But now that you contacted Iceberg, you might be thrown out either way. Besides, Shinigami planned out this entire war the second it started, and this could throw it all off."

'You're a fucking assassin. You know that there's rarely anytime when the first plan goes perfectly. She must have made hundreds of backups.'

"This is way too unpredictable. I don't know if she had that kind of foresight."

There was silence on the other side.

"That was reckless. Radioactive. I thought you had a level head."

'I'm taller than you, dipshit.'

"That. Was. Not what I meant."

'Karma, bitch.'

Solus sighed as the call ended. She raised the cup and consumed what's left of the ramen broth in a single gulp.

Stuffing everything else back into her bag, she jumped off the tree, landing on the ground just as a huge explosion rocked the earth. Oop. Looks like someone's mad. She began walking back towards the camp.

"What unusual weather." She commented cheerily at the interesting new cloud patterns

There was a lot on her mind and not a lot to do about it. It wouldn't be practical to move outside of the plan, because the mistakes could potentially snowball into a much bigger problem. 

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