Chapter 51: Into the Mind

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Yeah it's late. Hopefully soon i will be able to go back to 1 post a week ;-; I accept that it ain't happening anytime soon lmao

Radioactive POV

"Notice: The UA student hostage Bakugo Katsuki has escaped. Any and all attempts to aid his escape will be condemned and the violator shall be publicly executed. Anyone who aids in the return of the hostage shall be rewarded. Anyone who returns the hostage alive shall receive a reward of 10 million in USD." The monotone speaker announced. "Additionally, a guard will be posted at each undertrain station. Please refer to them for hostage return."

Radioactive heard Bakugo curse under his breath, steps noticeably getting faster. She quickly followed, mentally trying to come up with a way to approach.

"Oi." She ended up saying. 

She very narrowly avoided a explosion to the face. Bakugo slowly lowered his hand, recognizing her.

"4 wings." He muttered, still in fight or flight mode. "The fuck are you doing here."

Radioactive recalled that one time she sprouted wings in the middle of Solus's training time. At least that was memorable enough for the pea brain. She sighed. "The undertrains aren't a option and the operators definitely know what you look like, what should I fucking do."

Bakugo narrowed his eyes, obviously realizing she hadn't answered the question.

Radioactive didn't want to lie, to be honest, she sucks at it. But not saying anything can also be a dead giveaway. "Chillax. I've got orders to bring you back to UA."

"How the fuck am I supposed to 'Chillax' but am literally held hostage in some sort of fucking assassin cult and the only fucking person they send is a creepy 4 winged bitch?!" He whisper-yelled.

Good point. Radioactive admitted. Not to mention I got a side agenda.

"Fuck off and let me think." Radioactive unbuttoned the cloak and threw it at his face. "Put that on."

He whisper-yelled something else, but Radioactive was already deep in thought.

Can I even take out the guards and exit quietly? I doubt it. They can just stop the train. There's cameras in there.

Walk along the train tracks? Nah, too easily cornered.

Besides, my goal here is to kill All for One. Shinigami intends to do the same thing, but her list of people she is willing to sacrifice is far longer than mine. From the way this is going, Shinigami might be willing to let him die.

And no fucking way is that going to happen. He ain't dying, not until I'm dead.

The best course of action admittedly is to call for reinforcements. However, there is no guarantee...

"Well fuck. I have a better chance in a fight to the death than trying to sneak you out." Radioactive almost laughed. 

"What." Apparently she had interrupted him. "Ain't no way I'm about to follow a maniac on a suicide missio-"

"Look, our best chance of escape is to kill the boss." I should stick to my plan... It's better than whatever improvised plan I can make. "The lackeys around here can be quite troublesome."

"How do you fucking intend to find their shitty boss, huh? Bet your pea brain didn't think of than."

"Heh." Radioactive smirked.

"What?" He frowned, left eye twitching in annoyance.

"You see... I have bait."

"What bait?!" He demanded.

Radioactive poked him on the forehead. "You. dummy."

"HAAH!? WHAT T-" Radioactive grabbed the hood on the cloak she had tossed to him earlier, effectively snapping his mouth shut.

"OI UMHAND MFF-" She quickly twisted the fabric, making a makeshift restraining device.

"Stay fucking still if you enjoy having a head on your fucking shoulders." She sighed. "I was put in charge of your safe return to UA. Shinigami specifically said do do it by any means."

Radioactive wasn't ordered to do so, but she saw the plans. All of the first tier ones required the safe return of the hostage. Thus, if things go south, calling for reinforcements will not be as potentially dangerous than if the plan was fucked up.

But wait...

If my theory is true, then there IS a chance Shinigami would agree with these actions! If she wants to kill All for One without too much casualties, then she should also want to keep a dangerous weapon as far out of reach as possible!

Hive POV

This technology is still in the testing phase, according to Strike.

There's no time for testing. Hive needs to use it now.

It's a lucky coincidence that a prototype was attached to the mayfly that was following the woman.

Hive slid open a drawer and took out another device. It was square shaped with a keypad at the top and a tangle of wires. He connected a red wire to his computer screen. The small screen of the device slowly came to life.

Oh shit, there's 5 prototypes for this! Which one is on the mayfly?

There's no way he could see using just the mayfly camera.

The chair skid loudly across the room, slightly bumping at the small ditches in the floor where the larger tubes were arranged in order to be able to slide across the room.

Hive frantically looked though the prototype records on the smaller computer, searching for the device code of the one attached to M35.

Found it!

101111010100110... 101111-

Hive propelled himself back to his larger monitors, quickly typing in the device code.

One of the monitor screens changed color, showing 5 different wave diagrams. Below it are two bar charts with 5 bars each. Below that are 2 other horizontal bars, one showing vibrant colors appearing on the right and disappearing into the left, and the other showed words and sentences materializing, similar to a translate app.

A mind reading scan system. It runs scans through a brain, records the chemical levels and electric currents running through it, and displays each separately. The two below it are a mood bar, shown in color, and the lowest one used AI to translate the brain waves into thoughts.

'-Hands on such a dangerous weapon!' The bottom bar read, as the one slightly above showed a distinct and pale shade of yellow green.

Shock, and hope. Hive concluded.

Unfortunately, there's no history recorded, so Hive doesn't have context for the thought and emotion. But at the very least, it was a start.

MEME (canon) read in manga style

MEME (canon) read in manga style

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