Chapter 42: Reveal

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I forgot i forgot what day it was since I didn't have school sorryyyyy

After all that setup, I think it's time something actually happens.
Or begins to happen. Haha

(Edit; i managed to get some foreshadowing in, also, im taking a break next week because WHO THOUGHT ITS A GOOD IDEA TO GIVE US A EXAM A WEEK AFTER WE RETURN FROM WINTER BREAK?!?!?! WTF PLUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM)

Solus POV


Oh, it's Todoroki. And... 3... no, 4 other people. Presumably Midoriya, Bakugo and two other people.

She turned, addressing them with a roll of her shoulders. Her katana slid back into its sheath.

"What now, quirkless?" Bakugo griminced, further narrowing his eyes.

"Bakugo, be -ksst-nice." Aizawa's staticy voice said from the speaker. "Solus, your new task, seeing they're already here, is to get Bakugo back to the cabin. Eraser out. -ksst-"

Solus swore under her breath, looking up from the radio. Now, to fail without looking like it was on purpose would be harder. "Now I have to babysit a squad of teenagers." She said to

"Cheer up, Aizawa does it all the time. Can't be that hard." Todoroki offered.

"Har har." Solus laughed dryly.

"Escort us though the darkness, Lady of Forlorn." Tokoyami said darkly.

"-what?" Solus tilted her head. "Lady of Forlorn?"

"If I'm not mistaken, 'Solus' is the Shakespearean stage cue used when a character is alone on stage." Tokoyami nodded, as though agreeing with himself.

Solus blinked. "Yeah, I'm just surprised you know that."

It's true, 'Solus' is a rare word in japan. Back in Europe, anyone who attended school knows about it from long readings of Shakespeare that were in their textbooks every year.

However, the japanese translation of Shakespeare uses either /Enter/ or kanji with sounds imitating the original syllables. Therefore, most of the japanese don't know it's full meaning and interpret it as a loose translation of the english word 'Souls'.

Even Radioactive thought it was the sounds for the english word 'Souls' at first, and henceforth she was referred to as 'creepy ass soul reaper'. It took five months for her to drop the nickname.

"We're lost." Shoji said, one of his many arms reaching up into the sky, a single eyeball twitching on the end. "None of us can fight off a villain without either setting something on fire or attracting too much attention. Midoriya's injured as well." He pointed to the greenette resting on his back, ugly purple bruising running down his arms.

"Huh." Solus narrowed her eyes. She considered her options. She could either use one of the healing injections in her pen or just leave him as is.

It would be suspicious if she healed him with an injection. The heroes might take away her pen.

On the other hand, Midoriya will try to save Bakugo. She'd rather not heal him. With an injury like his, he should be passed out.

'But Shinigami, we're human. None of us can survive like that.'

'You must use sheer force of will to overcome your human limits.'

Yeah, Midoriya will have to wait.

Todoroki's eyes widened.

Something flashed in the corner of her eye.

Heat sheared into her skin, fire burning into the back of her palm. She turned, fast as lightning, ignoring the fire as she ducked. She felt the ends of her hair getting sheared from the heat.

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