Chapter 41: Disintegrate

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Posting from my phone again. This is so weird.

Solus POV

She was not panicking. No. Nope. Definitely not. Damn anyone who says otherwise.

Despite the panic, she was doing fairly well. Aizawa told her to keep capturing the villains and try to find Bakugo.

Okay, she was dealing with the villains pretty well, but the nomu are a different story.

Even though they were designed specifically to defeat Red, their abilities to split and regenerate was troublesome. Strangely enough, it's speed was nothing to write home about. Solus thinks it is because it's like impossible to artificially create a creature that can move like Red. That girl is abnormal.

Back to the situation at hand, Solus was currently trying (and failing) to poison one of the offshoot nomu with poison oil on her katana. If poison doesn't work, she'll just have to run and find Todoroki or something.

In order to prevent the nomu spliting, she makes sure not to chop it apart. Just a normal slash will do.

She dodged a particularly strong hit aimed to break her leg. Oh, shit, the paralyzer isn't doing anything.

A whip-like shape bulged out of the nomu's back and Solus had exactly half a second to flip backwards and avoid whiplash to the throat.

Are all of them on this level? She wondered, sliding her katana back into the holder. Solus was starting to get pushed onto the defensive. This was not good.

Maybe if I can disintegrate it entirely... Chop it  down to the atomic level... Separate even the DNA...

It's not an easy feat, but it isn't impossible. As long as she seperates all the cells, it could work. There is no way they managed to mutate atoms.

Based on the time it took for nomu to split after being cut, she would estimate that all the cuts have to be made in under 3 seconds or nomu will split into nothing less of a million.

All this passed through her mind in less than a second.

She leaped backwards, landing on a rock that jutted out of a cliff. The nomu blindly followed her. Solus narrowed her eyes, hand tensing on the hilt of her katana. She inhaled sharply.

If she fucks this up then she's doomed.

The air cracked with the force of Solus's mach force swings. Three seconds felt like a enternalty and an instant at the same time. She was dully aware of the burning pain in her arm as the nomu disappeared into a cloud of haze.

She let out a sigh of relief when she confirmed with her eyes that the nomu was no more.

Gosh, her wrist hurts. Hopefully she'll find Todoroki so she won't have to do that again.

Solus coughed.

Oh yeah. She forgot. When something is chopped down to the atomic level, some of those atoms are gonna be toxic. Time to run.

Her entire arm thorbed. Her wrist felt like it was going to pop off.

Solus reached into her pocket and pulled out the tri-colored pen. She put the tip of the pen on her arm, positioned to hit an artery.

Click. She pressed the red button. Her arm numbed before reverting to its original state.

"Aizawa, next target." She spoke to the communicator.

Radioactive POV

The announcement was made five hours after she exited the train.

She had been mindlessly wandering, trying to understand the complex design of the twilight zone.

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