Chapter 36: Hemlock

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Solus is an interesting character. Im debating on if there should be a (real this time) backstory reveal.

she may or may not get a temporal quirk (again)

Solus POV

"Know your place, girl." Yet another villain dashed at her. 

Solus grabbed Tetsutetsu by the back of his shirt, pulling him out of the way. She weaved through the trees, taking advantage of her small build and the leafy terrain. Quickly tossing him over the treetops and towards Aizawa's general direction, she leapt up into the trees.

"Huh? Hide and seek?" He prowled through the underbrush, the metal shine of knives just slightly characterizing him. "I was always great at that game."

The man had a bulky build, likely a former bodybuilder. He wore a black sleeveless top and a pair of heavy duty pants that clinked as he walked. So he's definitely not a stealth agent, more likely a melee assassin.

Metal flashed, and Solus ducked out of the way. The tiny iron spike lodged itself in the tree behind her, hitting it with a thunk.

That hit was dead on. There's no doubt! He's from the AA!

"How long are you going to hide, girl?"

She tore her gaze away from the metallic spike and stared into olive green irises. Solus narrowed her own icy blue eyes and poured out a wave of murderous intent.

His quirk probably lets him manipulate iron. There's no need for all those knives in his pockets otherwise.

That also means I can't use my weapons.

She secretly hoped she won't have to use this. Too bad. She whispered. "Sealed Scrolls; Dance of the War God."

There was no blood.

Solus rubbed her knuckles, glancing at the assassin sprawled out on the ground. She had taken him out with one strike to the solar plexus. He'll have internal bleeding and be rendered immobile for the next year at least.

But ow. She hadn't trained for like 2 weeks, and it's going to show.

"Aizawa, next target." She said into the field radio.

"-Kst- Solus, go find Midoriya -kst- and Kota -kssst- -kst-"

Ugh, back to being a babysitter. Solus mentally groaned. It's like getting top class hand soap and using it to wash dishes. A waste.

Orders are orders. She gritted her teeth.

Now that she isn't fighting anyone, she could hear the distant sounds of battle.

Yeah she could hear a kid screaming. Quite loudly, too.

Now who could that be? She thought sarcastically, sprinting off in that direction.

Most of her equipment were in her confasticated bag, which Aizawa still had. She only had her katana, a few hidden blades, and some awls (If you watched spyxfamily yor's weapons are awls). She also had her pen, but that's for emergencies only.

Evacuating students along the way, she headed towards the loud sounds of battle and that slight pressure in her eardrums she couldn't help but notice whenever one for all is activated.

Soon enough, Mikaela hissed, turning it's head slightly to the right. Solus inhaled and smelled the distinct odor of ozone.

She set Mikaela down into the underbrush. The earth shook with the power of the punches thrown.

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