ending 1 (Mikey)

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The next thing I knew I was in a familiar room, I feel like I've been here before but I don't know when, I was laying in a bed and it seemed like a pretty early morning from the dim light of dawn.

I looked around the room till my eyes fell on the person sleeping next to me, that's when I remembered why this room was familiar.

It was Mikey's, I only saw it for a few seconds in the past when I found some explosives in there, at that time I never thought that I would reach the point where I would lay on this bed, how did I even end up here?

I turned and looked at Mikey who was still asleep, silently admiring him, he looks a lot less tired now the bags under his eyes were close to being fully gone, it made me happy that he is at least getting enough rest now.

Also made me wonder what happened  during my timeleap?

Suddenly Mikey wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in, which made my eyes widen.

"Mikey! What are you doi-" I said in a low voice.
"Mmm not yet... We won't wake up yet" he slurred with his eyes still closed.
I smiled at that he looked really cute right now, who would think that this man right here is a leader of a criminal organization.

"It's okay we don't have to get up yet" I whispered and played with his hair.
He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me lazily "why are you awake this early?"
"I just felt a jolt of electricity all of the sudden" I shrugged.
"Huh? Are you okay? Should I call a doctor?" He quickly sat up looking concerned.
"It's okay I'm fine" I chuckled, he probably doesn't realize that I got back from the time leap yet.
"Are you sure?" He asked once again.
"Don't worry, I'm totally fine"

He lightly caressed my hair and the side of my face "no, not just fine... Perfect" his thumb rubbed my lower lip then he kissed me softly and his kiss got deeper after a few seconds.

We pulled away after a few minutes, he smiled at me "welcome back, my love".
I laughed "did you notice?"
"Yea, I know you too well not to notice" he pecked my lips once "bet you have tons of questions now".
"I do, but I thought you wanted more sleep"
"I would always pick time with you over sleep"
I blushed "since when are you flirty like this?"
"Well it started when I asked you to come with me to a wedding"
"A wedding? What wedding?" I asked in confusion.
He pulled me closer to his body and we both laid down "You were right, Takemichi did contact me after a few months, he invited me to his wedding".
"Then, what happened?" I asked Having a few flashbacks of what happened the previous time this happened.
"At first I wasn't going to go, but then a certain someone convinced me to go  but since I was a coward I asked her to come with me, and in that wedding I realized that I had perfection right in front of me for a long while now and I didn't give her the appreciation she deserves, so here I'm trying to give her the appreciation she deserves".

This must be the first time I felt this genuine with Mikey, he normally doesn't say things like that and it made me happy.

"You were glowing , it made me doubt that you might be a true angel" he said "and since that day your glow didn't stop in my eyes, it only increased".

"Mikey..." I honestly didn't know what to say to those words, Mikey captured my heart long ago and even though I didn't show it, I was hurt that I lost what we had before the timeleap, my only condolence was that at least he is now alive.

"I love you, my y/n, it isn't the first time i say it but it's the first time you hear it and I'll make sure that it's never the last".
I smiled "I love you too, Mikey".
I got on top of him and kissed him this time, I was planning for it to be a small kiss but as I was pulling away he pulled me back for a deeper kiss which lead to a make out, once we pulled away both breathing heavily, Mikey started kissing my neck making his way to my ear and whispered.

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