Three // Carvel

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Caitlin's P.O.V

"Caitlin Ann West, what the fuck were you thinking?" My mom yelled, slamming her hands down on the kitchen table. I rolled my eyes, wishing that I could get out of this apartment. I hated it here and I just wanted to go home. I hated spending time with my mom, I absolutely hated it. If it were up to me I would never see her again, though my dad wants me to spend time with her. I'm legally an adult, I shouldn't have to spend time with her if I didn't want to.

"I mean honestly Caitlin," She continued. "First you dye your hair pink and now you're dropping out of college? Do you know how hard your father and I have worked to afford to send you to college?" She asked. She wasn't expecting an answer, though I was going to give her one anyway.

"It shouldn't matter mom! All that matters is what I want for my life! I don't want to go to college. I don't want to be stuck in a classroom and I don't want to be stuck in an office. Mom, I want to sing. I know that you don't support that decision and I'm fine with that, but you have to stop forcing what you want on me." I said, standing from the table.

"Don't give me attitude, Caitlin. What happened to that girl that wanted to take on corporate America? I thought you wanted to work with me in the business?" Mom asked.

"That girl grew up. She realized what she wanted. Mom, I get it that I'm the only child. I know that you've wanted me to go this for a long time, since I was just a baby. But I can't do that. I don't want it. Can't you just support me? Dad does." I said, crossing my arms.

"Don't bring your father into this." Mom said.

"Why not? You chose the job over him, shouldn't I be allowed to chose my dream over you?" I bit back angrily. My mom just glared at me, crossing her own arms. I sighed and shook my head, knowing that this was a waste of time.

"You know what? I really don't have the time nor the energy for this. I'm going home." I said, making my way out of the kitchen. I heard my mom following after me but I ignored it, wanting to get out of this cursed apartment.

"Don't walk away when I'm talking to you, young lady!" Mom called after me.

"Bye mom." I said, opening up the front door and leaving the apartment. I started my way towards the stairs, practically flying down them just to get out of this apartment.

Ever since I hit twelve I realized just how bad my parent's marriage was. They were always fighting because of my mom's work schedule. She was some accountant at a big New York city corporation while my father, well he is an art teacher. His schedule was pretty much free while hers wasn't. He would want to spend time with her while she was simply too busy.

She never understood what family really was, then again, neither do I. I grew up in such a small family and having that family split up after my parents' divorce, it only made it worse for me. Luckily for me, my father and I stayed in the house I grew up in and now seven years later, we were still there with just my dad and I. I liked it that way, though I dreamed for something so much more.

I dreamed of selling out arenas, I dreamed of selling albums and making music. That's all I've ever wanted since I was fourteen years old, since I first discovered I could sing in eighth grade. My dad has been supportive of me since the very beginning while my mom... not so much. It wasn't easy having a mom that didn't fully support me, which is why my hatred for her burns so brightly.

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