Seventy Two // Where Are You Moving To?

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Caitlin's P.O.V

I let out a small sigh as I turned the page in the notebook that was given to me. Inside of it was every wedding detail that Nancy had written down while I was gone. She had come up with so many ideas for the wedding and they even picked a date. It wasn't until next August, but she had everything planned out. It was admirable how much she loved my father. I was glad that he was happy again.

What I wasn't glad about was looking through the notebook that she had. Don't get me wrong, I liked having her around and having her become my step mom in less than a year, but I didn't really care much about the waiters and if they wore white gloves or not. I didn't want to upset her, so I looked through it anyway. I think that she was trying to find something to do with me since I've just gotten home. I've yet to tell them about London, but I knew that I should.

I looked up from the book, seeing my parents on the couch. Dad was busy watching TV while Nancy was looking through a magazine, my dad's arm wrapped around her shoulders. I smiled slightly before closing the note book and clearing my throat to get their attention.

"You alright, pumpkin?" Dad asked.

"I need to talk to you two." I said. I watched as my dad paused the TV and Nancy shut her magazine, both of them looking towards me. "I'm not sure how to tell you this but... Jay Cee El is moving to London." I rushed out.

"Wait... what?" Dad asked.

"The girls and I. We were signed to Simon's label and we are moving to London. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but this is what I really want and I really need your support for this because I'm nervous enough as it is and I can't have you two mad at me." I said.

It was quiet for a minute before my dad slowly nodded. "Right. Okay. Alright. This is your dream Caitlin and you're chasing it. You're doing everything that I've wanted you to do and more. If London is the next stop on your list, then I'll support it." Dad said.

"I will too," Nancy said, "This is your dream. I followed mine with photography and you're following yours. We'll miss you a lot, a lot a lot. But we won't hold you back." Nancy said.

I stood up and walked over to them, hugging them both. "Thanks you guys. This means a lot to me. I'm leaving on the second." I said.

"So soon?" Dad asked, Nancy elbowing him. "That just means you'll be working more on your dream. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to start dinner." Dad said, standing up. He kissed my forehead before walking into the kitchen without another word. I sighed and sat down next to Nancy.

Her arm wrapped around me and I rested my head against her shoulder. "Oh hun, don't be too upset. It's just going to take him some time. You're his only child and a girl no less. He just doesn't want to lose you." She said, rubbing my forehead.

"He won't lose me. I just don't want him to be mad at me." I said.

"Sweetie, he won't be. He's just a little upset because he's going to miss you. Don't feel bad, okay? He's going to adjust to it soon enough, I promise." She said.

"I know. It's just hard. I'm going to miss you two a lot." I said.

"We'll miss you too, but you'll be in London. That sounds amazing and you're going to have so much fun."


I crossed my arms, shivering from the cold. It was only thirty eight degrees today and Brendon had the wonderful idea of getting ice cream. It wasn't that bad, their ice cream is really good at Carvel. But still, it's freezing and after eating ice cream I really don't want to be outside right now.

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