Eighty Four // Madrid

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Here is the next chapter!

Enjoy! There's a small time skip, just so you know :)


Caitlin's P.O.V

The following weeks to come were filled with a lot of work, and went by just as quickly as they came. We performed nearly every night, taking Europe by storm. We've played in a majority of the countries and knowing that brought a whole new level of pride to me.

Not only have we been opening for the boys of One Direction, we've began to really start on an album. We've finished recording Brave and have already announced that a single is set to be released in early June. We've got a couple day break in between the European leg of the tour and the North American leg of the tour, and we were heading to L.A. to shoot the music video for Brave. I was so excited for it. It would be our first music video, our first single, and I was excited for our fans to hear it.

We've only got a few more days until we take off for L.A. and I was excited to be going back to my home country. We also have an interview with Ellen the day before the first concert in the US, so it's going to be an amazing time. Ellen will actually be showing the video for the first time on the show, so it should be exciting.

As of now, the girls and I were preparing for the concert in Barcelona. We didn't have much time to actually explore the city, but we did get to see some of it.

The sound of someone falling over caused my thoughts to break apart and I looked behind me, staring at Liz, who was lying on the floor. Julie was standing on the couch, her phone facing down at the poor blonde that was on the floor. "What are you girls doing?" I asked.

Julie pointed her phone at me and laughed. "I don't know, I figured that I'd give the fans some back stage stuff and Liz fell." She said.

"Of course she did. Lizzie, you need to get dressed." I said.

"I know, I know. But I banged my knee." She whined. Julie laughed and aimed the camera at Liz once more before she turned her phone off, probably posting it later. Julie jumped off the couch and helped Liz up, telling her to go and change. Liz grabbed her stuff and started to change, while I went to lock the door.

"Liz, when you're done come over and get your makeup done." Ben said, setting up the makeup on the counter that was on one side of the room. Liz made some sort of noise of agreement as she changed into the clothes that Ben had set up for tonight.

In the minutes to come, we had all changed and our makeup was set. We had about twenty minutes until we had to go on stage, and as soon as we were ready to go, we left the dressing room. I grabbed Julie's shoulders, jumping up on her back. She laughed and wrapped her hands around the back of my thighs, carrying me towards the stage. Laughing, I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"I hope you girls trip." Liz said.

"So mean. We should trip her on stage." I told Julie.



"You guys have been so amazing so far. I swear, this is insane. I can't believe that we are up here, doing what we love to do and all of you love it too." Julie said, standing in front of the large crowd. They screamed in response and I laughed.

"Okay, so we've got some good news. How many of you are aware that we are releasing a single in a few weeks from now?" I asked, getting screamed at as a response. "Well, we've got some good news for you. Who wants to know the name of our single?"

The crowd screamed crazy loud and I laughed, looking at the girls. "I don't think that that was loud enough. So let me ask again, who wants to know the name of our single?" I asked.

The crowd screamed even louder and I laughed, nodding my head. "That's more like it. I'm really excited to announce this. Our very first single will be released in early June, as you already know. And it will be called... Brave." I said. The crowd screamed loudly and I couldn't help but laugh. I was glad that they seemed to like the title of the song we'll be releasing soon.

"And now to finish off our night here in Barcelona, we've got a personal favorite. Just The Way You Are!"


I squinted my eyes, holding my hand up to block the sun. The girls and I were out in Madrid, checking out the city. It was finally a full day off with no concerts or anything like that. The girls and I were always busy with publicity things that today has been our first day completely off in a while. So being the girls we are, we decided on getting out of the hotel and hitting the city.

Of course, we couldn't go by ourselves. We had Justin, Mark, Jack, and Niall with us. It wasn't the girls day that I had wanted, but it was still a lot of fun. We all got lunch, signed things for fans, and did some shopping. Well, Julie and I did shopping. Both Liz and Niall didn't care much for the shopping, so they just did whatever it is they did.

Now we were waiting for Dylan to show up, trying not to have too many people come up to us. We've been stopped a few times, but for the most part, it was okay. I guess that since school is still in session most of the fans were there- which sucks for them. School was the worst time of my life, I'm glad that I don't have to go back every again. Unlike Liz. Which reminds me...

"Hey Lizzie," I said, getting her attention. "When are you going to hear back from the colleges you applied to?" I asked her. She was standing next to Niall, her arm wrapped around his waist and his around hers.

"I've applied to three schools, and I've only heard back from one so far. Which is nerve wrecking, especially since it's almost June. But I sent in the application late, so who knows." She said.

"You'll get in." Niall told her.

"Hopefully. I'll have to text my mom, they are addressed to my home back in Maine." She said.

Our conversation stopped when a black van pulled up in front of us and the windows rolled down, revealing Dylan. "Needed a ride?" He asked. I laughed and opened the door, climbing into the back seat. Julie and Mark sat in the back with me, while Niall, Liz, and Justin sat in the middle row. Dylan and Jack were in the front and as soon as we were all in, Dylan started driving to the hotel.

I leaned back, putting my feet on the back of Liz's seat. She turned around, looking at me. I laughed, kicking my feet. "Stop." She whined, causing me to laugh harder.

"Don't whine, Lizzie. It's not an attractive quality." I said.

"I think it is." Niall chimed in. Liz blushed and turned around, causing everyone to laugh.

"Maybe if we keep Niall around tomorrow before the concert, Ben won't have to apply blush." Dylan said. I watched as Liz covered her face and hung her head. Niall laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to his side.

"Alright, leave me girl alone." Niall said.

I only rolled my eyes. "Figures. Anyway, so who's excited for Brave. I cannot wait to start filming for it."


Short and shitty chapter ik I'm sorry

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil' Gummy Worms, ilyssm

~ Amanda xx

--Pic above is a gif of Caitlin, she's so pretty

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