Thirteen // Mishaps and Confidence

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Here is the next chapter! Sorry it's on the short side.



Caitlin's P.O.V

It was nearing ten o'clock in the morning and I was beginning to grow restless. The thirty acts that were due to perform today were coming to a quick end. There were only three more acts to go through, including myself and my partner, Danny. His last name starts with a Z, though I don't know it. He's in his early thirties I believe. He's a nice guy, he's just... old? He's only a little more than ten years older than I am, I suppose, but it feels like such a big difference at this time. It feels like he's at least twenty years older than me.

Either way, he was a good singer. He had a nice voice, it was average I guess. I know it's a mean thing to say but I don't fully understand how he's gotten this fair. To get this fair you have to have something special but he... well he doesn't. He's super nice and I feel bad just thinking it, but it's true.

The only problem with him is that the song we picked for him isn't one of the bests. I love the song and know it like the back of my hand, but he doesn't. I mean, he knows the song but he just can't seem to remember it. It was such an easy song to remember, who hasn't heard of the song A Thousand Miles? It was such a popular song in his day. I was eight when that song came out and I remember dancing around to it and singing it at my camp talent show - which I won. But he just can't seem to get it down.

I was nervous for our performance, I kept worrying over him messing me up. If something were to happen... I honestly don't know. I just want this so badly, I can't have anything ruin it for me and I'm scared that Danny will ruin it for me.

"Caitlin West and Danny Zabrowski." I heard my name being called and I felt the blood drain from my face. It was our turn to shine. I let out a breath of air and rose to my feet, Danny standing next to me. We had been going over the lyrics before I got lost in my own thoughts.

We started making our way over to Mark, who smiled when he saw us. "Hello you two, so this is what you're going to do. Just head through those doors and make your way onto the stage. " Mark said.

I nodded my head, already knowing all the information. I've heard him tell it a thousand times. Danny and I made our way through the doors and he stopped to tell Justin the song. I was given a microphone and I waited for Danny to catch up to me. Once he did, we both walked out onto the stage together.

"Hi guys, how are you?" Demi said, smiling brightly towards us. She was always so energetic when it came to her job of being a judge.

"We're doing great Demi." I smiled at her.

"Great, so what song are you singing for us today?" She asked.

"A Thousand Miles." I said.

"I love that song, alright, start whenever you are ready." She said, leaning back into the chair.

I heard the familiar notes begin to play and I tapped my fingers along with the tune. I was going to be starting off the song and soon enough, it was my turn to sing. I was able to get through the first verse easily, being that I've known and loved this song for so long. It was one of my favorites, if I'm being honest. If it comes on shuffle I can never skip it.

But no matter how much I love that song, it would never be enough to save me from what happened next. We had been getting through the song perfectly fine, until the bridge. Unfortunately for me, that was the part that Danny had the most trouble on. And just like when we were rehearsing, he had missed his cue, forgotten his line, and confused the hell out of me.

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