Thirty Three // Mentor

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Caitlin's P.O.V

There was a man holding up a sign that read our names on it, waiting for us after we landed. It was such a weird thing, to have someone waiting for you at an airport. I felt like I was somebody really important, somebody really famous. Liz had found it weird too, but Julie liked the idea of it. I thought it was a bit strange, but hey, if that's what she really liked.

After we met with the man, whose name was Chris, we made our way out of the airport. I had no idea what or where we were, all the signs were in written in French. I had taken a little bit in high school but because of my failing grade, I dropped the class. Julie hadn't taken a language and Liz took Spanish, so it wasn't helping. Luckily for us, Chris spoke French and English, we were able to make it around the large building.

"You know," Liz leaned into me as we were walking towards a black van. "All these French men are so hot." She said. I laughed, throwing my head back as I did.

"You would be looking at all the guys. Though I will admit, some of them are just downright gorgeous." I said.

Liz laughed in agreement as we finally got to the black van. Chris opened up the door for the three of us to get into the car and then shut it once we were inside. I was sitting in the back, Liz and Julie in the middle seats. Chris had climbed into the front seat and started the car. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, Chris began to speak.

"So I'm sure you're all wondering who your mentor is. Well, I can't tell you that and you won't know until tomorrow morning. So I'm going to take you to your hotel. You'll be sharing a room, since you're technically one act. Room service is going to come around six thirty, though I'm sure you will be sleeping off the jet lag. Tomorrow morning there will be breakfast in the hotel dining hall, and after that we will be taken to your mentors home." Chris informed us.

"So is there anything that we have to do today?" Liz asked.

"No, nothing. I suggest sleeping off the jet lag because you are going to be very busy for the next week. Any other questions?" He asked.

Julie leaned forward, placing her hand on the back of the driver's seat. "Are you sure you can't tell us who our mentor is?"

"Ha! I'm sorry Julie, but I can't tell you." Chris laughed.


The bright morning sun was shining down on all twenty two of us. The large amount of people surrounding us were the members of the six acts - or bands - in the competition. We all officially met each other yesterday, being that we shared a floor with all six acts. There is One Step, who was Liz's friends Beck's band. Then there is another girl group named Made In America, a group named Escape, one named Black List, and another named Stuff And Things. And then there was, well, there was the girls and I.

I've talked to almost everyone for at least a minute or two, but I mostly kept to the girls or the boys from One Step. Beck had immediately been by Liz's side, I think he likes her, and his bandmates were with him. We got along really easily; Julie took a liking to them. They were all really, really cute.

We were all standing in the front yard of a huge house, a mansion if you will. We couldn't see inside or anything like that, and the question of who our mentor is was on everyone's minds. I wanted to know who our mentor was just as badly, but knowing that we would be finding out in just a few minutes was putting my eagerness to rest.

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