Eighty One // The Night Before And The Night After

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Caitlin's P.O.V

I took a seat next to Liz, who was giggling at the show that was being played on the TV. Tonight was the night before our very first concert and we were all nervous. We've never played at an actual concert and having it be so close to right now, was insane. I was so excited to perform. Although it wasn't our actual concert just yet, I felt like it was. I felt like it was our time to shine. We've been signed and now we are going to show why we are signed.

The girls were nervous as well and to keep our nerves at bay, we decided on staying in tonight and having a girls night. We've popped popcorn, painted our nails and toenails, and did each other's hair- aside from Julie, until Liz did her pouty face. That was when Julie let us do her hair.

But now we were watching TV, one of the stupid shows that play at night. It was nearing eleven, so the adult shows were starting to play. Which I didn't mind, being that I turned twenty last month. I smiled at the memories that night brought me. Being that we were still adjusting to London, we stayed in and ate until we couldn't. It was probably the best birthday I've ever had, being that it was so relaxed. Normally my birthdays were stressful because of my mother, but she wasn't there.

"So," Julie spoke up, breaking my thoughts apart. "I was thinking about something and I wanted to run it by you." She said, leaning against the couch and pulling her feet up with her.

"What?" I asked, digging my hand through the bowl of popcorn that was on my lap.

"When we were on the X Factor, we didn't have that much choreography. I don't think that we should follow Melody's dance routine. It's not us." She said.

"So what are you suggesting? That we blow off what we were told to do?" Liz asked from her spot on the floor.

"It wouldn't be the first time," I pointed out. "I think we should. We can follow it a little bit but I mean, it really isn't us." I said.

Julie nodded her head in agreement as Liz spoke. "I'm down with it, but if we get in trouble with Nathan and George, I'm saying you threatened me." She said.

"Oh, relax. You won't." Julie laughed, throwing a throw pillow at her. It was really living up to its name.

The room grew quiet again, all of us putting our focus onto the TV show. It was then that my thoughts drifted to how different our lives are now. Just a few months ago, we were on the X Factor. I smiled at the memory, thinking of all the things we would do with the other contestants. It was always a lot of fun with them, which reminded me that I needed to text Jade.

My thoughts then drifted to how much I loved our lives here in London. I loved the fact that I was getting countless tweets about how much people loved me. I loved that celebrities were tweeting about Jay Cee El and saying how much they couldn't wait for a single. And I loved working on an album. We've really only got one song done, but it's going great and I can't wait to actually record it. I thought about how much happier Julie and Liz was. Liz was ecstatic to be living her dream and dating the guy she's had a celebrity crush on for the past year- or something like that.

I wasn't sure what Julie was up to, to be honest. I know that she's happy to be here, and happy to be away from Colorado and the shithole she described it as, but I wasn't sure exactly what she was up to. I know that she's been talking to Harry quite a lot. They are almost always texting, but I don't know what is going on between them. I'm sure that Liz can find out from Niall, but I don't want to bring it up to Liz until I know that Julie is feeling things. Until now, I just had to wait and see how it goes.

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