Eighty Three // Radio Interview

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Liz's P.O.V

The drive from London to Manchester was horrendous. I spent the entire time trying to read and text Niall, but the girls were impossible. They wouldn't shut up for the entire ride, singing along to every song that came on the radio. It was annoying. I honestly would've joined in with the 'fun' that they were having, if it wasn't for the four hour phone call that I had with Natalie that left me with four hours of sleep. The girls wouldn't let me sleep on the plane, not that I really wanted to. I enjoyed texting Niall and reading the book- provided the girls weren't talking to me.

When we arrived in Manchester, I was overjoyed to get out of the car. Of course the news that we'd be having a radio interview here must have got out, because there was a large group of people waiting outside the radio station for us. Stepping out of the car, I heard my name being screamed. The black van behind us came to a stop and I looked over, seeing our security guards come over to us.

Justin stood by me, telling me to stay by his side. I nodded my head, looking towards the girls. They were both standing close to their security guards, Mark and Jack. Dylan was talking on the phone, stretching his legs from the drive- he had driven. After a minute, he hung up and looked at us. "Okay, so I just talked to the security guard that works inside. Unfortunately, the back exit isn't available seeing as there are fans out there as well. So we have to go through the front. There's not too many, so let's get inside before more come along." Dylan said.

"Can we stop for a few pictures?" I asked.

"Yeah, but not too many. We do have to get inside and prep for the interview." Dylan said. I nodded before we all started to walk towards the entrance.

There were twenty people at the most, all yelling our names. I grew a little nervous. I didn't like being in large crowds like this, and ever since the mob at the X Factor I'm a little scared of it. But Justin was by my side and I knew he'd do my best to keep me safe.

"Liz! Lizzie, over here!" I heard someone yell louder than everyone else. I looked at the girl, smiling slightly. Looking at Justin, he nodded and let me cross over to her. Pictures were taken and I gave her my terrible autograph- I needed to work on it.

I must have taken a picture with everyone before we made it to the doors. My cheeks hurt from smiling for the pictures and I was feeling a little bit better. I was still a little scared at the amount of people, all trying to talk and get a picture with me. But we finally made it into the building, where we were taken towards a room with huge windows surrounding it.

It was obviously where we would be broadcasting. I saw the microphones and everything that goes along with it, causing excitement to grow in my stomach. I was a little nervous for it, but it couldn't be too bad. It was our very first interview and I was afraid that I'd mess up. But the fans seem to love it when I mess up, so at least I've got them to fall back on.

A man walked up to us after a few minutes, smiling brightly. "Hello loves. I'm Ryan Rennings, the interview and spokesmen for Manchester Live. It's great to meet you girls." Ryan said in a very defined British accent.

"It's nice to meet you too." Julie said, smiling.

Dylan then stepped up, talking to Ryan about the details I'd assume. A woman walked up to us next, opening the door and allowing us inside. Three stools were sitting around one microphone, and the girls and I quickly sat down. I was sitting on the edge, Caitlin in the middle, and Julie on Caitlin's other side.

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