Seventy Nine // Rehearsal

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Here is the next chapter!



Liz's P.O.V

"Mhm, yeah. I know momma." I said, nodding my head as if she could see me. "No, I don't know where dads old jersey is." I cringed, looking down at the exact jersey that I was wearing. "Okay, I'll talk to you soon. I love you too, and send my love. Okay. Alright. Mhm, Okay, bye." I finally said, hanging up the phone.

I let out a small sigh as I ran a hand through my hair, letting it fall to the side while looking at the half packed suitcase. I couldn't believe that I was leaving for my first tour. It wasn't mine of course, but I was still the opening act. What made it even better was that I was the opening act for One Direction, my favorite band in the entire world. I would also be meeting Five Seconds of Summer, who have been popular in the fandom since Louis first tweeted about them.

Bending my head down, I started to pull my hair back into a pony tail. Once the hair tie was wrapped around the mess I call my hair, I sat up straight and let out another sigh. Packing was something that I've come to hate. I was leaving for a good eight and a half months and I had no idea what I should bring or not. How are two suitcases going to get me through eight and a half months of touring? How am I even in this situation. A year ago I was only debating on auditioning and now a year later, I was signed and going on tour with One Direction. What a year.

"Liz?" I looked up as the door opened, the familiar blue eyes meeting mine. "Hey, hope you don't mind me coming over. Finished me packing early, figured you were having some trouble." Niall said.

"You were right, what the hell am I supposed to bring?" I asked. Part of me wished that he had called me to tell me that he was coming over, or even texted me. But the other part of me was glad that he was so comfortable with coming over whenever. Although I did wish I had some warning to put on makeup or change from my pajamas, I didn't mind too much.

"Clothes would be a good start." Niall said, walking over to my bed. I looked over at him, slightly glaring. But the way his lips curved into a smile caused my glare to fall, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing a little bit. Bringing my hand up to my forehead, I rubbed the area out of stress.

"That's not funny. I need to pack." I said, trying to stop myself from laughing.

"I'll help you if you want, as long as you agree to go out on a fourth date with me." Niall said. I looked up at him and smiled widely, but before I could speak he continued. "As me girlfriend."

"Ooh," I said, leaning back, using my palms as support. "So now you're asking me to be your girlfriend? Instead of, oh I don't know, when the perfect opportunity came up? Like the day you found out I moved out here?" I asked, biting the corner of my lip.

"No, no way. That would've been too cheesy. You see, this is much better. Because you're dressed down, no makeup, pajamas and a jersey that's too big for you, and I'd still rather have you as me girlfriend than anyone else in the entire world." He said.

I couldn't fight the smile from my face as I stood up, walking towards him. I wrapped my arms around Niall's neck and stood on my tippy toes, kissing his lips quickly. "Of course I will, boyfriend." I laughed.

"You're such a loser," Niall laughed, "But all mine. So what needs to be packed? I mean, besides Horsey." He said.

"Oh well she's coming, that goes without saying. But other than that, I have no idea. How many shoes should I bring? Are outfits for the concerts going to be provided? Am I going to have to buy cuter clothes when I go on stage? This is all very stressful." I said, walking over to my bed. I sat down and looked at the mess of a suitcase and sighed.

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