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It has been a busy week. We had to say goodbye to my family as they went back to South Africa. Now the house feels empty. As empty as it can feel with guards 24/7.

The security team has been investigating the case further and they believe they have enough evidence to make sure Emily would never see the light of day again.

The PI's have been working close with the police, which makes this whole thing so much easier to me. As hard as it is, we are keeping this away from the public and the media to prevent anyone from leaking information they shouldn't.

It's hard having to act like everything is fine when I'm afraid my life might be taken from me at any second, but I try. For Zayn, as well as my sake. I see the constant worry etched into his face and frustration lingering in his steps. If it were up to him, he would personally go to her house, threaten her, or maybe kill her. I am not sure which.

On the bright side, I've been working from home these last two weeks meaning next week will be a month after the accident. I'm in my third week of healing, although I am feeling better and healing, the process is much too slow for me.

Hopefully by next week I'll be out of the house.

"Calm down" I tell Zayn as he sighs for the 100th time.

"They're wasting my time, Melony." He speaks. As if on que, the doorbell rings and Zayn stands to let them in.

"Good afternoon, ma'am." One police officer greets, followed by the other.

They take their seats across from us and Zayn joins them next to me. He takes a hold of my hand and waits for them to settle down.

Zayn sighs again. "So, any news?"

The one officer clears his throat before speaking. "Well, we have located her, and we've managed to look through the traffic light security footage."

The officers look at one another before officer one resumes. "It does not seem to be a female or the person you are suspecting."

The second officer interjects. "We have managed to locate the driver. He is currently in our holding cells awaiting questioning. It appears that he was just a random drunken driver who drove away from the scene to avoid the consequences"

"Is he related to Emily at all?" I ask.

"It does not look that way. Nothing links them together. We've checked phone records and it supports our theory."

"So, in the end it was just a drunk driver?" Zayn asks.

"Yes sir" The officers confirm at once.

"Alright thank you" Zayn states as he stands up. "Please keep us updated on everything"

"Will do" The officers stands up to shake Zayn's hand before saying goodbye and leaving.

Zayn looks at me for a few seconds before sitting down next to me. He takes my hand and kisses it softly.

"How are you feeling? he asks.

"A bit better. It's not what I expected but for some reason it makes me feel a bit relieved that it wasn't planned or purposefully done by someone." He nods and I continue. "I still want the guy to go to jail, he doesn't get to get away with this at all."

"Of course, he will not get away with it. I will ensure that he gets what is coming to him. Nobody gets to hurt you." He frowns and I smile.

"Of course not, caveman." He smiles at me before leading me to my feet.

"I remember you being warned about calling me that Mel" he intertwines our fingers and leads me to the stairs. I laugh and look over to him.

"You never made good on your promise Mr. Malik" I tell him.

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