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"You looked beautiful baby girl." My mother says with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to walk you down the isle baby." He is smiling while my mother is tucked under his arm. "But we were watching." My dad says wiping the tears streaming down my face.

"You turned out exactly as I pictured you. So beautiful and intelligent." My mother says. "I couldn't be any prouder." She looks up to my dad with a smile "She looks a lot like you honey." He nods.

"You got your mother's hair and shape, but your face is completely me." he smiles wistfully "There is no way you're not mine." He smiles cheekily. "And your brother looks just like your mother. We have some pretty good genes honey." My dad looks down at my mother. She scowls at him with a slap to the chest.

"Are you saying I could've cheated David?" he chuckles and looks at her with nothing but love and admiration.

"Of course not. I would've killed anyone who came close to you." My mother playfully rolls her eyes.

"I hope your husband is a little less rigid. Not like this caveman." He grunts playfully and hugs her tighter to him.

"He should be protecting her at all times." My mother rolls he eyes once again.

"From what dear?" She asks with a bored look on his face.

"From bothersome wieners." He smiles brightly as she laughs at him. She is so beautiful, and I can see it's something my father still appreciates.

I choke on tears as I laugh a little. I don't know how to reply. I don't know how to feel. I break down in tears as my father pulls me into his chest. He is tall and somewhere between lean and muscular.

"We love you and your brother very much. We are always looking down at you. Thank you for being such wonderful kids." My father whispers into my hair as I cry silently into his chest

"We have to go now baby. We'll see you soon." They both kiss my cheek before disappearing into thin air.

I jolt awake with tears streaming down my face. I sniff while looking down at Zayn. He is sill asleep, with his arms wrapped around me. He looks so peaceful. I walk to the adjoined bathroom to shower and freshen up. My heart hurts and it feels a little too large for my chest. My eyes are swelling up from the constant rubbing and tears. I pull myself together before exiting the bathroom and dressing quietly. I leave to make Zayn and I coffee. Once I'm done with that, I walk to the room.

Zayn is still asleep. His arms stretched out to my side and lips pouted. He is truly a work of art. I place his coffee on his bedside, hoping he wakes up before it becomes cold. I walk quietly to balcony, and sit there, enjoying the view of the sea and the mountains scattered in the background.

I sip on my coffee as the dream flows into my head. I had forgotten about them. I forgot my parents. I was so caught up in the wedding and the honeymoon, I barely spared them a thought. I didn't mourn them enough.

Guilt spreads through my body and it causes my heart to constrict once again. They missed so much. My prom, my high school graduation, my university graduations, my first boyfriend and my wedding. They are still going to miss their first grandchild, then the rest. My brother's wedding, his kids. They miss so much.

I couldn't have them at the most important days of my life, and it's not going to stop happening. I feel an emptiness I haven't felt in a while creep to every corner of my being. Nothing can substitute parents, I know. I've always known but sometimes it just hits like it's a brand-new feeling.

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