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It has been a week and I had made a few revelations and forgotten some things along the way.

1. I have completely forgotten to change my surname. There just isn't any time.

2. My husband may have turned me into a nymphomaniac. I want him every single time we're in the same room. Even when we're not. We have been having sex non-stop.

3. The threatening letters have stopped and so slipped my mind. I assume it was someone who was bored or more bark than bite. I gave no reaction, so they moved on to the next person. I don't know and I don't care.

4. Jim has been avoiding me for some reason.

My phone rings and snaps me from my thoughts. I see Zayn's name flashing on the screen. I am now not allowed to switch off my phone at work so he can contact me at any time. Because I am quote, 'negligent' when coming to communication and letting my husband know when something happens.

"Ah Ms. Reed. What a pleasant surprise." He says sarcastically. He definitely knows I never changed my surname.

"What can I help you with Mr. Malik?" I say.

"I'm just looking for Mrs. Malik and once again I was told she doesn't exist." Ah damn. "I had hoped you would know where I might find her." Despite me wanting to laugh at the absurdity of this conversation, I can't. I know he doesn't find it funny or in any sense amusing.

"I'm sorry Zayn, it really has been a hectic week and I just need to find my bearings for now." He sighs and sounds worn out.

"Look Mel it's your name. You can do whatever. If you don't want to change it, that's on you just don't lie or give me false hope."

"I'm not Zayn. Obviously, I want to change that. Look it's been a bit rough this side. But I will sort it out this afternoon, okay?" I say.

"Don't do something you don't want to." He says lowly. Oh, my dear husband.

"I love you and I want to carry your name. I'm sorry I've been dragging this out. I still have a whole lifetime to change it baby. I'm not going anywhere." I say softly.

"Okay." he says, and the fire has been defused.

"You wanted me?" I ask trying to move on from the conversation.

"My parents are flying over today so they'll be spending a few nights, if that's alright with you?"

"Okay, when are they coming?"

"They'll probably land in a little while. After work maybe." I nod before realizing he can't see me.

"So I'm guessing I can't work late tonight?" I ask with a sigh. It would've helped with the mountains of paperwork I need to work through.

"Preferably not."

"Okay. I'll see you later then."

"Alright bye love." He says. "I love you."

"I love you more." I say with a smile on my face.

"Impossible." He says, melodramatically shocked. I giggle. "Fuck I love that sound." He says.

"You do know you can say something without swearing right?" I tell him with an eye-roll.

"Really? I wasn't aware. Is that a new law?" I laugh once again. Someone is in a sarcastic mood.

"I'm not sure. The law might've passed while we were asleep." He chuckles and breathes in. I scrunch my nose up. "You're smoking, aren't you?"

"Yeah." He says sheepishly. "it's only my first one for today." he whines.

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