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“My feet hurt.” I grumble as Zayn walks out of the bathroom showered and dressed sexily in jeans and a shirt. Casual looks so sexy on him.

Zayn had spent an obscene amount of money on clothes I didn’t need. We walked for hours shopping, walking around, eating and just admiring the place. he would buy everything I looked at. I had later decided to not let my eyes wander and look ahead. He only toned it down once I threatened to be abstinent for three months. 

“Go freshen up, then we’ll go down to the bar.” He pulls my legs till they’re hanging off the bed. I roll my eyes and undress on my way to the bathroom. He pauses all his movements and watches me with a dark look. He shakes his head then leaves with a barely noticeable smirk.

I shower then get dressed in a short silk dress. It’s rose gold and hugs my body softly. It’s soft and shiny and I know Zayn will appreciate it. 

“I’m ready.” I say, entering the living room to see Zayn leaning casually against the wall.

What is he doing at the wall?

“Come here.” He says. His voice velvety and smooth like his accent. I sway my hips as I walk towards him with an innocent smile on my face. He holds my hand and squeezes it a little bit. “Turn around for me baby girl.” He speaks lowly and my entire body heats up at his attention. “fuck!” he whispers before turning me around and pulling me towards his chest. 

“You like?” he groans, and I let out a subtle moan as he grips my ass, pushing me against his bulge.

“I love it. I want to tear it off your sexy little body.” He hums appreciatively. “Let’s go before I bend you over the nearest surface.” He kisses me then holds my hand as we walk down the walkway, with the water softly flowing next to us. 

We get to the bar and it screams fun. It’s colorful and has a vibrant feeling to it, yet it manages to look sophisticated and posh. We walk I and I quickly detach my hand from Zayn. 

“Honey, I need to use the restroom, order me a drink?” he nods and kisses my cheek. I watch him walk to the bar and mentally drool. His walk is so attractive. It screams power and poise. My husband is whole meal. A whole dam food-chain. I use the restroom, ensure that my hair still looks fine then walk out. A man bumps into me and I almost fall but he catches me. He chuckles lowly.

“Excuse me. Are you alright?” He has brown curly hair and piercing green eyes. I would be lying if I said he wasn’t attractive. And the British accent just tops it all off. 

“It’s alright.” I move away from his arms and run my hands down my dress. “I’ll live.” I smile and he extends his hands to me.

“Edward.” I smile and shake his hand.

“Melony.” He nods. “Well I have to get back to my husband. He might burn the place down if he can’t find me.” he chuckles lowly.

“You’re married?” I nod.

“On my honeymoon actually.” He nods again and I watch a dimple pop out of his cheek from the smirk currently forming on his lips. “You?”

“Just here with some friends. Needed a break from being an adult.” I chuckle.

“I hear you. Well Edward, it was nice meeting you.” I smile politely.

“Like wise.” He gestures for me to walk first and I make my way over to the bar. I breathe heavily as I take in the scene in front of me. 

Zayn is leaning against his chair with his legs spread slightly. His one arm on his thigh and his other rubbing his jaw. He removes it and places it really close to my new favorite body part of his. A woman is standing awfully close to him with her hand on his shoulder. She is pretty. Shoulder-length blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Oh, the irony. I roll my eyes but they soon narrow as she leans down to whisper something in his hear. He says something to her, and I watch her look shocked for a second before smirking. 

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